Values Based Award - Open Minded Winner: Syauqina Idzni Adzhani
We are excited to announce the winner of our second Values Based Award implementation, Open Minded.
To celebrate the value of Open Minded, we challenged employees to learn as much as possible via the learning platform Udemy. All LinkAja employees needed to finish two mandatory courses plus as many other courses of their choice within a month!
This award has two categories: Best Learner with the Highest Completion and Group Flex with the Highest Learning Initiative.
Meet Syauqina Idzni Adzhani , the winner of Best Learner with the Highest Completion category. ?She is a Paid Platform Associate from the Brand & Marketing Communication Group.
How do you perceive the implementation of Values Based Award in Finarya, especially for Open Minded? (please also describe what "Open Minded" means to you?)
I see myself as a lifetime learner. For me, being open minded in a professional environment means keeping myself motivated and open to new ideas & experiences and motivated to learn them. I believe there is always another new perspective or knowledge that I can gain from working with my colleagues, and I see that as a part of my learning journey.
Open- mindedness can always be continuously developed?as long as we want to keep improving ourselves. And don't be afraid to make mistakes. For me personally, I learn from my mistakes and all the inputs from my colleagues. I believe that will make me a better individual.
What do you think of the Udemy Challenge and why were you keen to join the challenge?
I believe this Udemy Challenge is an opportunity to be grateful for what I have in the present. Why? I (as an employee) am provided an unlimited learning facility by LinkAja. On top of working with amazing coworkers at LinkAja that added valuable experience in my life, the unlimited learning platform is a great resource for any employee’s development area.?
I think the Udemy Challenge is a good program to help employees engage and live the Open Minded value. Participating in the challenge has expanded my skill horizontally and vertically through the mandatory courses combined with my own learning journey that I chose based on my needs and preferences.
The data says you took 45 courses in a month. How did you manage your time to complete those? It was fantastic, tell us more. What drives you??
The key is to be willing to make the time for learning. And of course, having a lot of internet quota helps ?? Personally, I take light courses on Udemy and listen to it while working. As for the heavier courses, I managed to do it after working hours.??
Tell us about how you chose your module selections in the Udemy Challenge?
I managed my priorities in completing the Udemy course. The main priority was the mandatory courses arranged by the company. After that, I chose courses based on my interests. I chose the topics of self-development, marketing, branding, copywriting, and business. Moreover, most of these courses are relatively short, so I could learn a wider range of topics.
What benefits or insights do you get from this campaign? Any testimonial that you would share to other employees?
The Values Based Award, especially the Udemy Challenge has a positive impact both for myself as an employee and LinkAja as a company. This award benefits the company from upskilling employees but also helping their personal development. Furthermore, I can use the certifications I get to improve my personal branding. It also gives a strong positive message to others that LinkAja values their employees and give them the opportunity to grow.
My message to the LinkAja Family; keep learning, keep developing yourself and trust that our efforts will bring success.?Let us look forward to participate in the next program from the Human Capital team to show and live our values as part of LinkAja!