Alaine Nolt
Is your lifestyle supporting your health? I work with highly driven people who struggle with not enough time to be happy and healthy, so they can live the life they truly love.
What are they and how do they affect what we do in a day and how we feel?
Do you know what yours are?
How often in a day are you truly connected to them and nurture them with your time and energy?
Values, our connection or lack of connection to them affects our health!
In our daily lives, we're constantly faced with decisions that reflect our beliefs and values.
Our emotions bring us up, and get us excited, and we see possibilities, and we feel so content.
And our emotions bring us down, and we see and feel the heaviness of almost everything around us.
Emotions are based on our thoughts.
Whether it's choosing between attending a party or visiting a loved one, or deciding to put in extra effort at work, our actions define who we are to ourselves and others.
Identifying and clarifying values is a root of my coaching.
Defining values helps individuals identify and clarify the values that guide their decisions.
It prompts reflection on what we want our lives to stand for and the type of person we aspire to be in our daily lives and relationships.
By exploring our personal values, we gain insight into how to navigate life more effectively, aligning our actions with our true selves.
When we align with our values, our goals are met easily and faster, stress dissipates, sleep improves, and we make better decisions for taking care of our bodies and our minds.
Would you like some help with helping identifying and clarifying your values?
Together, we will evaluate how well you are living a life in line with what your values are and the affects on your health.