value v/s Pricing... of a product/Service how is it defer from each other?
Vamsi Krishna
Turning Ideas into Brands to the Greatest Toast | Branding and marketing Stuff done right for your brands Join Our Journey. #branding #DigitalMarketing #DigitalStretagy
- Hey hi!!! Here in this article I'm gonna talk about how value differs from price/Rate that is fixed to a product and how can that be seen in terms of business with some examples too, So catchup till the end of this article
- Have a nice reading...
The more you focus o the product or the service, the less important the price becomes
-By Brain tracy
Yes, The businesses that you see like the best haven't become the best because they have a big number on the price of their products but the value on their brand
Let's take a Xiaomi Phone's might be cheap and easy for anyone to buy, but Apple I don't think everyone can afford it. It's because of the value on their brand that they have been building for 3-decades
Now, let's talk about some traps in our real world.
Some people that spread rumors such as, "join some kind of programs and get rich quick within a month or twice"
And those program's prices were not high or not even low they stimulate in between peak and sea bed prices, which makes people mentally push to purchase and use it with a little psychological effect on them.
Think this before entering such kind of traps:
So let's see,
- Does apple build its value in just 1 or 2 years?
- Did Lamborgini build its brand value in just months?
- Did Elon musk get his ideas up working for him in just 5 or 6 years?
No, no company or a particular man that makes billions of money within so little time.
Think of this Reputation timeline of branding like a baby who turns out to be a rich kid, if this kid named "XYZ" born in 2000, then he will take 4years to become a boy from baby, another 21years to become a man from boy, and he is now 25 years... This 25 years haven't just happened in 2months or 2 years.
It all depends on how he/she had taken up their journey since childhood for what they have become now, some become good people at better positions in life and some might become criminals or wrong people who choose negative side.This little example itself say's so much about the reputation.
Nothing can happen so quick and easy, everything takes time to developed into some that someone is dreaming about. If things happen that easy everyone could become great & rich.
Thats why only 2-4% of worlds population people are creating the future and the rest are following it.
pricing is the amount that is fixed to a product/Service that consumer has to pay to get the product.
Irrespective of the price of a product, there is a great demand for these products as people trust their brands along with quality, so people would but with any price the company has set to sold for.
Price V/s Value:
Value of a product is more important than pricing because, If product is priced high and if the consumer bought it and what if the product at that price then that's not good for the company that is producing the product.
Because a companies reputation is based upon how they are delivering their service to the customer with best quality.then only company will propagate to the next step towards their targets with positive attitude.
top ways to maintain good value to company along with customers:
- Maintain healthy relationship with customers - as they developed and produce service/product.
- Making service much more sensible way - handling customer with understanding and nice manner so that customer feels free and happy in the service he is receiving from company, so that he will think of having another product
- Maintaning relationship with competitors - so that you can get to developed good R&D without having any trobles also by helping each other get more development to all the companies.
Hope this article gave a basic understanding of what and how price defer from value to a product or a service from a company to a consumer.
Have a nice day...