Value versus Price

Value versus Price

Value and price are not the same thing, but most people think they are. When price is the only thing the someone is focused on, everyone loses. Value is far more important than price. It’s the benefit for the client. If you don't know what you're value is, then you need to figure that out and quick.

Make sure your clients know how they will benefit from what you offer. Show them results and what it means in terms of their return on investment. This should extend throughout your relationship with the customer. Keep in mind that customers don’t buy, they invest and an investment will yield a return. You need to be very clear on this. Don't ever assume anyone understands what you're talking about.

Keep track of your meetings with a client. Whether the customer is asking for tips or information, or if you are actively contacting the customer, you need to record all of these. Make sure you demonstrate the value the client receives or could receive. Documenting thus gives you a list you can share with your client.

Remember all your encounters with a client should be used to educate them and develop new relationships. If you're not a student of the best practices for your industry, then you're missing out.

Keep records and monitor trends, and then share this information with your clients. Not only does this show you’re concerned about their business, but it also allows you to have conversations with clients they wouldn’t initiate on their own. When you are having these conversations, you will come across new opportunities to help the customer. The cost of this to you is minimal, but the value the customer receives can be huge. 

Remember business is all relationships and this will be throughout the client’s entire organization. You will meet people who will share with you things they like about working with you. Each one of these encounters has a value and can provide you significant items that separate you from a competitor.

Value is in the eyes of the beholder. The client doesn’t always look in the right direction, so it’s our job to help them see the entire picture.


