The Value of Verbal Contracts for Writers
Parts One and Two of My Annual Warning for Co-Authors
Verbal Contract Abuse
Do As I Say Not As I Did – Part I
“A Verbal Contract Isn’t Worth The Paper It’s Printed On.” Samuel Goldwyn
This installment begins a short series on the value of verbal contracts, going against your own best judgment, the unexpected costs of taking someone at his word, and a few suggestions on how writers can handle such situations. First, Part I provides necessary background. You can’t follow the play without a scorecard.
I am a pendulum dowser. Instead of using a “witching stick” to locate water on the north 40, I use a pendulum (rock on a string) to locate missing persons. Nearly 20 years ago I became a founding member of what became the Find Me group – an international association of psychics dedicated to finding missing persons. As the person who came up with the concept for the group wrote, (in my The Practical Pendulum), “Dan has been with Find Me since its inception in 2001 and his pendulum abilities have surfaced on numerous occasions and were strikingly accurate in locating missing persons. Kelly Snyder.”
For years I represented the group on television and radio programs and in presentations to various groups and clubs. Additionally, I regularly joined the group’s sister organization, a search and rescue team, for in-the-field searches from the hills outside Burbank, CA to the mountains of Colorado and just about any miserable, rattlesnake infested half-acre of land in Arizona.
The group’s book, Find Me As Told To Dan Baldwin notes on page 16 “If you haven’t guessed by now, this psychic (DMB) was the same person working with Kelly to found what would become Find Me. Dan was asked to join and he became the third member of the group.”
Following a debacle with the traditional publisher – oh, you’ll read about that bit of joy in a later post – we self-published a second edition. The reference from page 16 stayed in the book. The back cover noted, “Dan Baldwin is an author, co-author and ghostwriter… He is a founding member of Find Me who often participates in ‘ground pounding’ with the group’s sister organization, Arizona Search, Track and Rescue.”
Stick with me, folks. We’re getting there.
Find Me was incorporated in 2011 as a 501c3 non-profit corporation. If you will check records of the Arizona Corporation Commission you’ll find me listed as the president of the board of directors. As an attorney I later consulted wrote, “…that Mr. Baldwin was in fact a founding Board member of FIND ME, which makes him a ‘de facto’ founding member of FIND ME. As a founding Board member, Mr. Baldwin is free to represent this fact.’”
In 2013 Snyder and I appeared on the Supernatural Girlz radio program. A promo for that show stated,– “Kelly Snyder is a former law enforcement official who, along with Dan Baldwin, created an all- volunteer panel of psychic mediums and active law enforcement….”
My board of directors biography in the official website for Find Me stated, “Dan Baldwin, whose skill is pendulum dowsing, is a founding member of Find Me….”
Imagine my surprise when I received an e-mail from Kelly Snyder on July 14, 2014 stating, “You have been removed from Find Me as a Board member and a regular member. The board decided that you violated all five of the code of Ethics by your statement that you are a co-founder of Find Me.”
The action of the board of directors of the Find Me group was in violation of their 5013c bylaws. Although I was still president of the board of directors, I was not notified of that meeting and was obviously prohibited from discussing the situation with the board. The board of directors could have removed me for the color of my hair if they wanted to. Why they chose a falsehood is beyond me.
(This is not whining; it’s a warning.) After serving the organization for nearly a decade and a half and with the full expectation of continuing to serve, a very big and important part of my life abruptly ended in an act based on falsehoods.
What Gives?
I bet you’re ahead of me on this, but just in case, on July 16, 2015 I received another e-mail from Snyder stating in part, The Find Me Book is also at issue here, but may lead into legal action, so it was left out of the equation for determining you being removed…” That alone is curious. An issue that may lead to legal action was withheld from the board of directors, yet was a key element of a board decision?
The bottom line is simple: if you don’t take care of the legal basics in writing with others, you open yourself up to problems in the literary world of copyrights, intellectual property, publishing, and so on. Additionally you can experience unexpected consequences in other important areas of your life. Do as I say, not as I did.
In Part II: A letter from a copyright attorney and how Find Me II – The Casebook by Dan Baldwin and Kelly Snyder became the award winning They Are Not Lost by Dan Baldwin.
Take notes. It’s not a pretty story.
Verbal Contract Abuse – Part II
The Book – The Issue
The opening paragraph to my How Find Me Lost Me – A Breach of Trust Told by the Psychic Who Didn’t See It Coming reads: “Of all the books I have co-authored or ghostwritten the one I knew, absolutely knew beyond a shadow of a doubt, that I wouldn’t need a written contract, letter of agreement, or even a confirming e-mail for was the one I began with Kelly Snyder in 2009.”
Write this down. Put it on a sticky note and slap it against your computer: Do As Dan Says Not As Dan Did. Regardless of who you are about to work with – your preacher, your best friend, your sainted mother – get a contract. If the Pope himself asked me to co-author a book I would shake his hand, kiss his ring, and hand over a pencil and say, “Please sign on the dotted line.”
As you may remember from last week, I was removed from the position of President of the Board of Directors and as a member of the Find Me, Inc., an international psychic detecting group, for stating a fact that appeared on the group’s official webpage, on the 501c3 incorporation papers, the group’s book and other documentation. Also involved in that removal was “the book,” which was “an issue.”
What book?
I’m glad you asked.
Following the success of Find Me As Told To Dan Baldwin, in 2009 I approached the Find Me group’s leader, Kelly Snyder, about writing a book of case histories. (Take notes – you’ll need them for Part III). This was to be a Baldwin/Snyder book and not an official group publication. Snyder and I would split the costs, profits and copyright 50/50. The division of labor was that Snyder would provide the research, basically my access to the raw investigative files, and to handle fact checking. I would do all the writing.
The project was begun in 2009 and slugged “Copyright Dan Baldwin and Kelly Snyder 2009.”
The project was on and off for several years, but we finally had a rough draft of a complete manuscript. A member of the group had a connection with a New York agent who became interested in the project. In February 2015 a draft was e-mailed to the Cynthia Cannell Agency.
On April 12, 2015 I heard from Snyder by e-mail that, “I am waiting for a response from Cynthia which should give me some direction… nothing has changed.,.. (sic) she wants me to do the book on my own and I am doing my best to figure you into this equation!!”
I informed Snyder by phone and e-mail that I do not write to give away my work nor do I write to sit on it. I write to publish. I congratulated him on his new book and even offered to help if he needed it. I also noted (April 13, 2015) “We’ve already written Find Me II. There’s no way you can do it on your own. No matter how you look at it, she is talking about an entirely separate book. I say go for it, but this one is basically ready to go….” And after some back and forth, I stated I would proceed with publication (Indie) of our book as we had intended from the start. I wrote (July 9, 2015) “Last month I e-mailed you that I was pushing ahead with completion of the project and that is what I have done. Of course, our 50/50 profit split agreement stands.”
Snyder immediately responded. “The Find Me Book is also at issue here, but may lead into legal action, so it was left out of the equation for determining you being removed…Your stance on the fact that you believe you can publish a book about Find Me is another board issue, but has to do with our legal stance on how we will address your actions. If you proceed with the book without my consent then it is something the courts will ultimately decide… You have also been advised that my name cannot be used to represent that I have written anything in the book if you publish it. You can call the book anything you want, just don’t call it Find Me or mention it is about Find Me investigations or that I am agreeing to anything about it being published…”
In July Snyder e-mailed. “This notice is also to advise you that I do not want any part or portion of the book that you have decided you are co-author. Do not publish anything that suggests or infers that I have written or stated anything that promotes this book. My name cannot be on the cover supporting this book. My new attorney, Maria Crimi Speth will be sending you a confirmation…. My attorney will be including Amazon in our correspondence.” And a few days later he e-mailed, “I do not want any part or portion of the book….” He writes “It’s yours to keep, just make sure there are NO references that I have anything to do with it and that NONE of my comments are in the book… My attorney will be sending you a confirmation of all of this, so that there is NO misunderstanding.”
You’ll notice that a simple co-author handshake agreement has now involved the officers and board of directors of a 501c3 non-profit corporation and a copyright attorney.
I sought legal counsel during this debacle. Pay attention – I had to pay legal fees far in excess of what it would have cost me to go to an attorney to draw up an agreement in the first place.
My attorney informed Snyder and the Find Me officers and board of directors that I would be proceeding with the book; that Snyder by his own request would be removed as an author/co-author; but that the book was about Find Me cases and would remain so; my comments on the group and its work would remain intact and; and that although Snyder was no longer an author, he was still a source and his comments would remain in the work.
After a lot of wrangling, e-mails and phone calls, Snyder pulled out of the book, gave up his copyright, I would proceed with publication, and we would go our separate ways.
That’s it, right?
If you’ll remember, I said there would be a Part III.
I received a letter dated July 29, 2015 from the law firm of Jarburg/Wilk. “The firm represents Snyder and the Find Me, Inc. in connection with the protection and enforcement of their intellectual property rights….”
Part III covers how Find Me the Casebook by Dan Baldwin and Kelly Snyder became the award winning They Are Not Yet Lost by Dan Baldwin.
(Obviously, I’ve only touched on the fabled “tip of the iceberg” in these columns. You can get the full story with more than 70 pages of documentation in How Find Me Lost Me.
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