Value and Values
We’re known for knowing the value of advertising, and through the years, we’ve become very familiar with our values.
Value and Values. Two different things.
Local Search Group’s values do much more than establish the monetary worth of something. Our Values--summed up in the 7 C’s below--help govern our thoughts and beliefs-- and these are values that any organization or dealership can adopt to improve their dealership’s efficiency as well as their company culture.
As an agency we communicate on behalf of our clients to consumers. It’s the most important thing we do.
The world moves quickly. Google, Facebook and other technologies move exceedingly faster than the automotive industry does. What are we doing to keep up without changing for change’s sake?
Coat of the Armadillo
Thick skin applies just as much to digital strategies as it does to communicating in real-time, whether that be with managers, colleagues or consumers. The car business can be stressful. Good interpersonal relationship skills are imperative to maintaining happy employees and customers.
Look for the repeatability of an event and a way to improve the event in the future. One of the most watched events, the Super Bowl, contains elements of consistency from our perspective. Each year there’s a host city; there’s a halftime performer, and there’s two teams that play. Sure those things might be different--but the process for the NFL remains the same.
It’s a car dog eat car dog world out there. How do we recognize our environment and gain an edge for our dealer clients?
Focus first and foremost on customers. Respond quickly. Be the “now” part of a “now” business and be results driven.
The largest generation of current consumers choose businesses that support what is important to them. What is your dealership doing to “give back?” Our charity of choice is the SPCA.
At the dealership we can spend so much time working on the value of the products and services we provide that we can lose sight of our values. Knowing both will help you hire, attract and retain more of the right employees to help you take care of your customers.