The value of a tick
The very symbol of ‘correct’, a tick can have a powerful value psychologically. But can you put a monetary value on one???
Well Twitter, and boss Elon Musk, clearly think so and have done just that.??
I’d imagine almost every Twitter user will already know about the £9.60 per month charge for verification badges – blue ticks – but after initially launching in the States, Twitter has started to roll out gold ticks for organisations in the UK at a whopping £1,140 per month!?
And what do you get for this significant monthly outlay…???
Oh, but that’s not the end of the costs - you also have to pay for each affiliate account you register, another £60 per month for every profile you add.??
So what business in their right mind is going to pay a minimum of over £13.5k a year for the privilege of a little gold tick? Will this tick mean that audiences will subconsciously believe that what they’re saying is gospel – or somehow more important than one without????
Well, from a brand perspective, it's important to consider the value that it can bring.??
Twitter would claim that its golden tick of honour is aimed at brands who want to position themselves as trusted and authoritative voices in their respective industries. With so many brands vying for attention on social media, a gold tick might well be a powerful differentiator. It tells potential customers that your business is legitimate, established, and trusted by Twitter – not to mention you clearly must have cash to burn.??
Of course, it's worth noting this status is only as strong as the business behind it. A gold tick won't magically make you a thought leader, a trustworthy business, or a respected voice in your industry. But it can be a valuable tool in your arsenal, helping you establish credibility and stand out in a crowded digital landscape.?
Ultimately though, at this price point, most businesses both here in the UK and further afield simply won’t be able to justify it. So what are the implications for content from unverified accounts??
Well, the algorithm will now prioritise those paying the premium, giving these verified accounts better organic reach and engagement, and having them show more prominently in searches. Therefore, by virtue, you could say non-paying accounts will be downgraded in the algorithm.??
It’s also just been announced that unverified accounts will no longer be able to advertise on the platform, so businesses currently planning to run ads will either need to pay for verification (either blue or gold) or review their paid media strategies.?
All this means is that for those not willing to pay for the privilege of reaching their audience on Twitter, it’s never been more important to create quality, highly relevant content aimed specifically at your target audience.??
Brands may need to revisit their strategies on Twitter, and make a deliberate switch from ‘quantity’ to ‘quality’ of posts. As higher reach numbers potentially become harder to achieve, creating less content, but spending that saved time and budget on the creative process to deliver higher quality content that strongly resonates with your key target audience will likely deliver better results in the long run.??
In short, it may be a small symbol, but the value of this tick could be significant. And for those who can afford it, the new gold tick may become a particularly compelling investment. What can be said with every certainty, is that this latest shift in the digital landscape will require many brands to step outside of their comfort zone and pivot their approach to how they use Twitter if they are going to keep their audiences listening and engaged.?