Value should never be out of style!
So value investing is back in vogue!!
You could argue that investing in unappreciated companies with quality balance sheets and benefiting from good yield and growth as the stock value returns should never be out of style.
Why though should a value approach only be applied to equity and not across a whole range of invested assets?
In fixed income applying a value approach could mean not currently investing in gilts and investment grade corporates but in the value of high yield short duration bonds which looks sensible right now.
In other alternative assets too this approach could see you ahead of others to invest in for example Property reits and other specialist holdings before their value is fully appreciated.
But what about risk?
Value investing by its very nature should mean never buying at the top of the market and constantly researching to find the value in companies and assets that other investors may not have yet seen.
There are a number of equity “value” investment approaches in the market but few offering a Multi-Asset value approach….
Why restrict good thinking to just one asset class!
Stephen Hunter of Seneca IM – Multi Asset Value Investors
Please remember the views expressed here are aimed at professional advisers only, are current at the time of writing and may change. They do not take into account the particular investment objectives, financial situations or needs of investors and are not intended as investment advice or a recommendation to invest. There is no guarantee that employing a Multi-Asset approach will produce positive returns and investors may not get back the full amount invested.
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