The Value of Relationships to the Supply Chain.
George Davies , Freddie Smith and myself view relationships as a support network, built up of people who are committed to working with us. Contributing with products, services, support, help and insight. In our business relationships facilitate us getting to our end goals, and without the quality of relationships that we enjoy and work so hard to maintain, our job would be significantly more difficult.
At George Davies Turf we strive to be in the best place to supply customers what they need when they want it. This means communicating to suppliers in advance, trying to anticipate our requirements of them. Day to day we are in contact over the phone, through WhatsApp groups or email. Making sure everything runs smoothly and to make sure we achieve what GDT requires for our customers. As a business we can be very demanding of our suppliers, in our attempts to achieve what we need. This makes gratitude, recognition and understanding essential, for us to maintain the amazing relationships we have and rely on.
Having a successful and positive relationship means it must be beneficial to both parties, with gains on each side. The incentives to work on such relationships are listed below.
My time in the work place has taught me the value of relationships and how they enable you to achieve at a personal level. ?I am conscious that on a regular basis, people are going above and beyond to help us. For that reason I never take relationships for granted. They need to be nurtured, appreciated and worked up on. Giving gratitude, recognition and acting with integrity is the easiest and most effective way of promoting a positive relationship.
I consider many people with whom I hold professional relationships as friends and for that reason I always try to treat them so. How better to spend your working day but by communicating with your friends?