The value of 'Popcorn Sports'
Your phone buzzes. The friend group has a notification on it. "Who's in for a game of Padel later?"
Next thing you know, after a few clicks, your appointment has been booked for a great hour with your peers doing something dynamic and fun. You've probably noticed a padel facility or indoor football park pop up in your general area. Having worked at one of these companies, it is incredible to see the power of new-age sports bringing people together, whilst evolving the industry as a whole.
2 years ago, I had never even heard of Padel. Maybe the reference to the American craze of pickleball here and there, but soon there were 4 separate padel companies within a kilometre of my house!
The integration of mobile platforms for booking, scorekeeping and gamifying the brand aspect through PLAYTOMIC has streamlined the administrative process of arranging to play a game.
The craze has touched on many sports, such as indoor soccer. I refer to these activities as 'Popcorn sports', fast-paced, easily accessible for new entrants and incredibly entertaining (whether you are watching or participating. Soon we will see this effect take on more sports, such as golf, basketball, volleyball and more!