The Value of Performance
??Monica Moore
Award-Winning International Speaker | Verbal Footprint | I help individuals and organisations be “Positively Moore”. | Improve Productivity| Reduce Conflict | Words that work| Words in Action| Accredited Speaker
EVERYONE remembers their school musical. There's a significant reason for this.
Participation in performances teaches life long essential skills.
The communication skills are endless; both verbal and non verbal.
Working with a large group requires patience and resilience, especially during technical week and the performances themselves.
Confidence through exposure to audiences, walking, dancing and acting across the stage.
Being part of a large group with an essential responsibility.
Developing skills in speaking, acting, dancing and singing.
The discipline, attention and dedication to improve and perform to the absolute best of your ability.
The commitment to others. No one wants to be that person who hasn't learned their lines, song, dance.
Telling a story through voice and movement.
The endorphins of success. Invaluable.
Never dismiss the educational value from a school musical.