The Value of Old Books
Dave Dutton-Fraser
President, Founder at Fraser's Edge Wordsmithing and EROS,Writer, Lecturer, Occultist, Wizard, Former Bad Guy.
There is value for some in old paper and ink
Especially when it's taken the form of a book
Though the value might not be what you think
So, perhaps we should both take a closer look
People become grandeur by reading the passages
But only with noble words containing wise meaning
Such ability to learn separates us from the savages
Though, not by much is the way I've been leaning.
The worth of a book can oft rely on the former owner,
This book telling the plots of every opera may be one
Though this book may only be read by some witless stoner
It was handed down from an old man to me, his grandson
Such an odd obsession and hobby my Grandfather had
For a man who spent his entire life in a small prairie town.
For any opera touring Redcliff would most likely be bad
And who would have had the proper dress suits or gowns?
And all those damn opera records he would occasionally play
(Sounding horrendous since they all came from the dump)
Did not make him popular by any known means or ways
In fact, he likely came off to others as an arrogant chump.
A few times while drunk he attempted to sing along
To arias he found among his record collection
Gramps could play mean guitar but could not sing a song
And this explains why he was often faced with rejection
So, I guess one day in the Hat in nineteen forty-nine
My Grandfather purchased this old book in some store.
It is an excellent reference book and not cheap at the time
Made more remarkable since all my ancestors were poor
Looking at the book's cover I see my grandfather's face
And others passed on, while hearing things they might say
I feel my self starting to travel through time and space
To end up in Redcliff and wishing once more I could stay
To stay where a dog and I roamed on wide open prairies
Returning to a home where fresh vegetables cooked.
A Redcliff of days past where nothing ever got scary
And that's pretty good value for one little old book