Guinevere Ellis
Empowering Entrepreneurs and CEOs: Transforming businesses into Legacies of Wealth, Fulfilment, and Freedom.
How much is your life worth?
The life force within you that enables you to wake up every morning for another day above ground.
The time you have been given to build and nurture relationships with your loved ones.
The years ahead that you’re still to enjoy.
Being healthy and able to enjoy sunrises and sunsets and white sandy beaches and blue skies and Friday afternoons.
Could you put a value on it?
Of course not.?
It’s priceless.
Are you making the most of it? Or are you ‘settling’?
Are you sticking to what’s easiest, or going after what your heart screams that you really want?
I see so many people staying in unhappy or mediocre? situations/jobs/businesses/circumstances, and when I prod with ‘Why?!’, they shrug and say ‘It’s easier than making the change/investing in myself/the cost of moving on/doing something different’.
Wait, WHAT?!??
So you’re given a previous gift of life, and you choose what you think is ‘easiest’ because you think that what you really want would be ‘harder’ and ‘costly’?!?
No no no - you’ve got it all wrong.
You have a privilege - you get to live, and the purpose of life is to…. yes, LIVE.?
Not exist, hoping to make it safely to the grave.
So please don’t think of the ‘cost’ of change/personal growth/moving on.?
After a decade of huge investment way above 6-figures in my own personal growth and development, and way beyond what I had previously spent on ‘professional’ growth (including my degree, 20 years of professional qualifications, and years of CPD), I tell you that there is no ‘cost’.?
There is just rewards - freedom, financially and mentally, and squeezing every single bit of joy, fulfilment, excitement and happiness from these days and years you have been given.
Make the life you really want, happen.
Whatever that little voice within tells you - I’m here to tell you that you have the power, I promise you.
Take ownership of this immense power you have within.?
Because the greatest cost of all is not the ‘cost’ of change, the investment in yourself, or the ‘price’ of moving on.?
The biggest cost of all is the cost of regret.
Guinevere. ?
Helping Leaders Gain Clarity, Confidence, Energy, Passion and Purpose Through Transformational and Wellbeing Coaching | Founder and Executive Coach specialising in Alcohol Free Living | Associate Business Coach
2 个月Love this, agreed!
Gary Young | President & Founder at Avela Global - Bridging Premium Product Sourcing from Asia and Go-Dome - Innovating Portable Planetariums for Global Education | Speaker
2 个月Walking the streets of Soho I see the entire swath of humanity. The angry, bitter, lost, damaged, resigned, asleep, happy, satisfied, joyful, wise, enlightened and occasionally the person that stands out as innocent. All of these things are inside each of us. They all have a voice. But which ones will be the dominate voices that drives us forward. It is a decision and our right. As they say, choose wisely. ??