Value of games in Education
Rishikesh RL
Data-Driven Decision Maker | Seeking Opportunities to Apply Analytical Skills
Games are part and parcel of a student’s life. It is an inseparable part of?Education?System. The main objective of education is to develop the students physically, mentally and morally. It is well said that sound body contains a sound mind. If a body is weak, the mind can not be very strong.?There?is a very good old saying ” Health is wealth.”
But how to make this health? By not playing Video game, playing some actual games on the field. Today we see sickly?children. Most of them are wearing spectacles. There is also the problem of obesity among them. This is all because of passive life-style the students have adopted.
There is only the mental work, not physical work. Games make up this loss of?health?very quickly. Playing games on the field makes the organs stronger and provide fresh oxygen to the body. The mind becomes sharper.
There are also other benefits students learn from playing games. They learn being social and the feelings of togetherness, co-operation, discipline and punctuality. All work and no play makes Jack a dull boy. Now-a-days the students have become?book-worms. They are more concerned about their career than their physical and mental health.
No doubt, by doing hard work in their studies, they?shall?get what they want to achieve. But at the cost of their health. What’s the use of wealth, if there is no health to enjoy that.
Therefore the students must bring balance between their studies and games. They must always follow this maxim – Work, while you work, play, while you play, that is the way to be happy and gay.”
Games develop a very good quality besides others and that is sportsmanship. A sportsperson is a very strong person. He learns to face defeats and successes equally. They don’t lose courage even in the face of?continuous?defeats. They rise and make efforts till they get the success.
Students who play games become?social. They have more friends than the students who don’t play games. Students don’t remain reserved in life. They are open and learn the art of adjustment. Games also teach to have patience and presence of mind. They learn team-spirit and co-operation. Such things are very important when the students enter the work-force.
In short, games have an important?place?in life. In order to get maximum benefit from them, they must be played properly. There?should?be the balance between the games and studies.
The Value of Games in Education are just a diversion for the mind. They even provide a kind of training for the mind. Most games today are a matter of high skill and right judgment. Hockey, football, cricket and other games are not just a matter of physical exertion and exercise. The player must acquire the art of playing a game. Every game, therefore, contributes to the development of the mind and the judgment of a player. The Value of Games in Education offer that Good players show a lot of mental alertness and ingenuity in the course of their play.