The Value of Existing Knowledge – Lets not Reinvent the Wheel
A topic inspired by our (@acies Innovations) weekend closing meeting

The Value of Existing Knowledge – Lets not Reinvent the Wheel

Existing knowledge within an organisation is a treasure trove of information that can prevent repeated mistakes, save money and streamline processes.

Within an organisation, we all come with different capabilities and skillsets but we have to deliver Dr Mamatha S V

By capitalising on what has already been learned, organisations can avoid the inefficiencies of trial and error. This approach not only saves time and resources but also accelerates the implementation of effective solutions which is paramount in todays workplace.

Having the courage to learn Vinay Kumar

The most important part of a learning organisation is the environment, where one possesses the commitment(Within) and the environment (Surrounding) supports learning, if that is done then we will have the capability to grow as an organisation.

To thrive in any organization or individually, we must have commitment and capabilities. More importantly, if we have the commitment we will build capabilities automatically. Commitment to both individual (physical, mental, spiritual) and organizational (project, team, individual) goals must be strong. So, write down your goals. and build the capabilities needed to meet them and Always have Big Hairy Audacious Goals. (BHAG) Dr Mamatha S V

Leveraging problems as opportunities.

Lets talk about all the "opportunities" coming up next week. Shannen Fortes

Best practices represent the most efficient and effective ways to accomplish tasks based on repeatable procedures that have proven successful over time. By adopting and adapting these practices, organisations can enhance their operations without the need to start from scratch. This includes benchmarking against industry standards and continuously refining processes to maintain competitive advantage as a start-up at Acies Innovations we can't afford to only meet the benchmarks but must outdo every one of them to make a difference Dr. Randhir Pushpa . One of the important points is looking at issues faced not as problems but as opportunities, an opportunity to learn, to improve as an organisation. In developing lessons learned many like to emphasise what went well, but the value is in understanding what went wrong and seizing that as an opportunity to grow and further provide better service to our clients.

Building on Previous Successes

Thus, organisations must conduct thorough analyses of past projects to identify what worked well and why. This involves documenting successful methodologies and outcomes to create a repository of proven approaches and most importantly applying them. Sharing this knowledge across teams ensures that success can be replicated and scaled, fostering a culture of continuous improvement.

However be weary of the "RTB" syndrome, (RTB or return to base, was a term used when I was in the navy where the ship sails back after deployment, for a commander is the most dangerous period, where the alertness of the crew may be down) organisations must incorporate capturing lessons learnt on the go, registering this by immediately recording the conditions, what happened and actions taken. This ensures knowledge is not lost or overtaken by events.

Collaboration and Knowledge Sharing

Fostering a collaborative environment where knowledge is freely shared is crucial for effective KM. Implementing tools and platforms that facilitate communication and knowledge exchange helps break down silos and promotes a unified approach to problem-solving. Encouraging employees to share insights and learning contributes to a more informed and agile workforce. It is the responsibility of the senior leadership to ensure the enviroment supports learning. Using new collaboration tools like the otter pilot Ai tool and Microsoft viva can do this in an online environment. It works wonders. do try it

On a serious Note

In the article “what the west can learn from Singapore” Graham Allison a professor of government at the Harvard Kennedy School speaks of how Singapore has fared better in governance compared to the US and the UK. One must note that this was not possible without (1) knowledge being managed, (2) lessons learned applied and (3) communities of practices in the form of ground-up conversation groups formed.

Copy Modify Paste and Soar - Don't reinvent the wheel

Global leaders in KM, such as Singapore, offer valuable lessons in efficient and effective governance. Singapore’s strategic approach to public health, education, and governance has set benchmarks that other countries and organizations can learn from. By studying and adapting these strategies, organizations can improve their own practices.

?Singapore’s Effective Governance embedded KM and has even weaved it as everyone’s responsibility. (Doing a LinkedIn search for KM jobs in Singapore will draw almost a blank, because its now part of everyone’s term of reference) Kendra Albright, Ph.D.

Singapore’s success in various domains can be attributed to its structured KM practices. For example, the country’s approach to public health, which includes rigorous planning, comprehensive data collection, and swift implementation of policies, has resulted in superior outcomes compared to many other nations. In the context of KM, Singapore demonstrates the importance of a systematic approach to managing and utilising knowledge for governance and public administration. you can read more about Being Battle ready - is being Knowledge ready

In conclusion, my Knowledge mantra of not reinventing the wheel in KM underscores the importance of leveraging existing knowledge to enhance organisational performance. By adopting best practices, building on previous successes, fostering collaboration, and learning from each other regardless of rank and file, organisations can drive innovation and achieve sustainable growth. Effective KM is about creating a culture where knowledge is continuously shared and utilised, ensuring that the organization remains agile and competitive in an ever-evolving landscape. Ask any Singaporean and the sad thing is they will ask you back, what does KM mean? Describe it and they will likely reply in Singlish “oh like tat, I got do” The term KM in Singapore has been diluted into every one, but that does not mean we aren't practicing it well.

This article was inspired by our weekend stand-up call at Acies Innovations , a closing to the week where we celebrate the successes and "opportunities" we experienced with a laugh to welcome the weekend. Knowledge Management Society (KMS) Knowledge Management Global Network


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