A Value Creating Team Beyond 2020

A Value Creating Team Beyond 2020

The late Peter Drucker , Father of Management Thinking once said “Nothing good happens by accident—put some structure around it!”?

Is time for Strategic Planning and Preparing our Business Plan but is it "Business as Usual"?

We are reaching the last quarter of 2021 and welcoming the year of 2022 . Have you started your Strategic Planning for 2022 and beyond for your organisation and teams? How is your structure going to be like so that your organisation and teams can survive, sustain and thrive in the years to come?

The Covid 19 pandemic has changed the way we think, the way we lead and manage and the way we live. Now we also need to change the way we do our strategic planning as business is no longer as usual.

Strategic Planning does not comprise of only setting the Business Goals and targets. Goals and targets are not a purpose, but rather a mission that needs to be adjusted or adapted to align and or, to achieve the Organisation's Purpose.

One of the common ways to conduct your Strategic Planning is by emulating the common traits and features of effective teams that are high performing . Thereafter, to assess the current stage of our team development, team dynamics and team performance. Next, how can you realign your team's strategy to achieve next year's organisational goals and outcomes? What's missing? What needs to be done more and better? How to re-skill and up- skill your people for the new business strategy?

Before we talk about what will be the strategy to reinvent, let's recap the the real definition of a team in the organisation.

‘A team is a small number of people with complementary skills who are committed to a common purpose, set of performance goals, and approach for which they hold themselves mutually accountable.’ (The Discipline of Teams by Jon R. Katzenbach and Douglas K. Smith From the March–April 1993 Harvard Business Review).

Dr. Peter Hawkins, the Thought Leader of Systematic Team Coaching, Professor of Leadership at Henley Business School has extended further by elaborating that" an effective team also raises the team's alignment and morale; it engages the key stakeholder groups in a way that it grows the performance and provides constant learning and development for all the individual members and the collective team as a whole.

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Is the Purpose of Your Team still relevant in the context of Covid and Post Covid situation?

The Covid pandemic is an upheaval to our stable and existing structure, business strategy and operations and we are moving into uncharted and murky waters. It is also timely to review and reinvent our purpose to make it relevant, resilient and even revolutionary because of the radical changes that shape our world and business landscape.

How to review the Team's purpose and make it relevant?

A team is not defined by where it sits in the organisational chart but rather it is defined by its purpose.

“It is the Purpose that creates the team and not the team. The purpose is already out there in the world waiting for the team to respond.” Dr. Peter Hawkins.

Does your team fits its purpose of existence presently?

What is it that your internal and external stakeholders need from your team that only your team can provide ?

Is your team creating value to your stakeholders or they are stagnant, irrelevant or a risk of being replaced?

How to move beyond a High Performing to a Value Creating Team? We need to identify and question the team's purpose which is from the Outside- In and future back- by creating Value. The team has to continuously co-create by going out and inquiring from the internal and external stakeholders and also, thinking about our organisation's and team's future?

We can start by revisiting & reviewing 2020 and the past few years by celebrating the team's strengths and success :

1. How successful we are and we were?

2.How we could have done that even more successfully in 2020?

To identify and or, review the team's purpose and make it a value creating team, the strategic planning and team coaching should be:

1. Who do we serve?

2. Who are the different stakeholders?

3. Who are our future stakeholders that we fail to notice and engage and they will be critical for our business continuity and success in the future?

4. What do our current and future stakeholders need from us to create value with them and for them?

5. What can only be achieved by our team?

How can I co-create & co-journey the Team's Strategy Planning with you and your team?

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This year strategic planning, review and change your team's purpose to be outside-in, future back and future fit.

1.We need to involve and harness your team members from different background and diversity. Your team members can be multi-functional, geographically dispersed as they are working from home and or, other parts of the world,. They could also be multi-generational, multi-cultural, multi-nationalities and multi-skills.

2. Notice who are the voices of your members that are missing and how we can engage them in this Team Strategic Planning and Team Coaching?

3. We need to build the team beyond high performing to be value creating teams as they need to collaboratively co-create this shared purpose with our internal and external stakeholders.

We cannot lose sight of our purpose because the world has changed. Our environment is changing and your stakeholders are changing but have your team's purpose changed to be relevant and future fit?

"The only way to predict the future is to create it" Peter Drucker?. Let's connect with me and we can co-create with your and your teams together to be future fit and future relevant.

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Jasmine is the first global batch of “Team Coaching Foundations Certified Coach”, trained under The World's Team Coaching experts Professors Peter Hawkins and David Clutterbuck from The Global Team Coaching Institute.

Jasmine has designed and facilitated strategic planning retreats and Team Coaching for several organisations as a former HR Leader specialising in Learning and Organisation Development for organisations in the public sector, private sector and Multi-national companies.

She is the currently the Founder and Organisation Director of Breakthrough Catalyst. The purpose of the organisation is " To Equip, Enable & Empower your Leaders and Teams from High Performing to Value Creating Teams."

Read the success stories of her Corporate Clients. https://breakthroughcatalyst.org/success-stories


Jasmine Liew Psychological Safety Doctorate Candidate ,iHRP- SP的更多文章

