Value Based Care
Aslam (Ozzie) Khan, MD, FACP, MBA
Clinical Strategy & Healthcare Solutions Expert with Extensive Operations Management Expertise
Value Based Care
we want it
what is it
how do I get it
Value Based Triad - where do I fit in
WE WANT IT- why do you want value-based care? It’s interesting. Merriam-Webster defines it as “a fair return, or equivalent, in good services or money for something exchanged“ how do we define fair and who defines fair?
It’s much harder to find when it comes to health. Essentially, what you’re saying is you’re bartering your money for a fair return. What is a fair return with respect to your health? Is it a faster diagnosis, a better skilled surgeon, a quicker recovery, a shorter hospital stay, fewer complications, no infections.. you see the list is quite long, and a fair return really depends on the perspective of the individual paying for the services.
If you ask the person receiving care they believe they are paying for it, however, we know the bulk of healthcare is paid through insurance, public or private. So are you as an individual truly able to decide if you are getting value based care? Health care has created facilities, networks, plan designs, provider groups, virtual and digital, and on-site solutions for us to access in order to receive value.
However, the value we receive in healthcare is determined by decision makers, with our best interests in both the private employer side and public government regional/national levels. They do their best to anticipate and forecast what they think we shall buy as value-based care.