Value Added Tax Compliance and its implications:

Value Added Tax Compliance is something that is quite complex in nature. There are more than a few reasons why VAT can be complex in its implications and how we can make an assessment about its exact nature. VAT, in essence, is difficult to understand because it has various dimensions attached to it. By dimensions, we mean that it is of various types hence having various implications. The Accountancy Solutions with the help of its professionals would be able to take care of all your Value Added Tax Compliance needs as we have enough experience to understand your business dynamics.

What is VAT and how we come into Play:

Through the provision of quality VAT services, we know the ins and outs of the process. This includes an in-depth understanding of UK VAT Law which has several legal implications attached to it. This essentially means that our VAT professionals will help your business to pay the right amount of VAT on time which in turn will reduce costs sufficiently.

VAT Services:

The Accountancy Solutions prides itself in the provision of the following services:

Assistance in VAT Registration: Starting from the initial stages our VAT professionals will help your business to get registered with VAT. Registration of your business for VAT is important because when you buy services or goods from another VAT registered company you will not be able to reclaim VAT charges.

VAT Advice: As mentioned before we know the ins and outs of UK VAT Law hence we will be able to assist and advice on VAT.

Reviewing your VAT returns: Reclaiming VAT charges can be a hassle for any business as it often happens that it involves certain thresholds. We aim to secure your VAT returns and handle all legal requirements.

Overseas VAT Refund Claims: Overseas VAT refund claims can be complicated but we have enough experience to deal with this matter.

We also offer personalized services through assigning a VAT Agent:

VAT Agent Services:  

VAT Agent services allow you to have a personalized service which renders you full control of your VAT affairs. All the legal requirements are handled perfectly by us whereas you have the ability to maneuver through the affairs. The following services will be provided with personalized assistance:

Dealing with HMRC: Dealing with HMRC will be handled completely by our VAT agents. It often happens that HMRC might put in inquiries which will be strictly handled by our VAT agents.

Submission of VAT Returns and Hosting VAT inspections: You do not need to be involved in the hassle of submitting VAT returns as it will be handled completely by our VAT agents. Our VAT agents are also trained to host HMRC VAT inspections which are quite important in maintaining the legal requirements and handling them efficiently.

Overseas Clients: It happens frequently that overseas clients fail to understand the implications attached with VAT. Our team at The Accountancy solutions can come in handy dealing with such cases.

Health Checks & Planning

The Accountancy Solutions works on the principles of accuracy:

Our experts have the ability to tackle any inconsistencies when it comes to handling your net VAT Position. This essentially requires a strategic planning of checking your finance in specific periods. This is important because in order stay alert from any unexpected tax liabilities from HMRC we need to have a firm grasp over the finance of your business.

Numerous solutions can be implemented for dealing in VAT. We will ensure that most accurate one is applied in yours. The following health checks will be used to take care of any unexpected VAT liabilities. Accounts department of your business will be kept on a strict leash so that any violation can be sorted out. This includes investigating transactions which have not been accounted. This will, in turn, reduce your VAT liabilities set by HMRC.

We are good in applying our knowledge and sharing it with others. It will be assured strictly that your employees are fully aware of VAT related implications. Certain factors such as expenditure & capital acquisitions might induce tax liabilities, to evade such cases proper checks will be implemented.

Purpose of VAT Health Checks:

The main purpose of our holistic approach in dealing with Value Added Tax Compliance and implementing health checks is that your company obtains the following benefits:

  • Reducing tax by periodical checks
  • Payment of VAT liabilities on time so that unnecessary complications could be avoided
  • Securing your cash flow and evading chances of unaccounted transactions
  • Meeting all your legal requirements
  • Investigation of all VAT related risks and providing precise solutions

Our company deals with various types of clients, we also deal in medium-sized firms as well. We aim to provide transparency and factuality when it comes to providing precise solutions to your VAT problems. We stay focused on decisions reached on UK and EU VAT cases and ensure that you will be informed about the end-result which may have some implications for your business on the long-run.

As Qualified Accountants and Tax Advisors, we can assist with simple compliance as well as complex investigations and appeals nationwide.

We can provide you with Expert VAT advice on:

  • Land & property transactions;
  • Construction projects;
  • Capital expenditure;
  • International VAT;
  • VAT retail schemes;
  • Pension schemes;
  • Recovery of VAT (UK and overseas);
  • Secondments to fill short-term skills gaps.

Evading difficulties and providing solutions:

The Accountancy Solutions offer dynamic and well-directed solutions for all your VAT related queries. Your accounting department will be kept in a strict circumference that will allow to various benefits that expertise of our firm will allow your business to have. Penalties on accounting problems and VAT implications will be severed.

VAT inspections and dealing with HMRC is under our grip and we have a great sense of pride in passing out VAT inspections. The best part about our services is the fact that by providing a holistic approach towards VAT our clients enjoy peace of mind before any sort of inspection and submitting documents to HMRC.

Our services include:

  • Pre- and post-inspection VAT assessment reviews;
  • Negotiating with HMRC;
  • Assisting with VAT appeals and dispute resolution;
  • VAT health checks
  • What will our services give you?
  • Independent assessment of your VAT compliance and potential liabilities;
  • Mitigation of VAT liabilities and penalties.

Risks & opportunities

We have dynamic professionals that not only understand VALUE ADDED TAX COMPLIANCE but also have the ability to evade risks and strive for opportunities. We do this by being friendly and knowing the operational structure of your business in great detail. For a detailed discussion call our office now in Birmingham on 01216297768 or London on 0207078001.


