Be Valuable!
Sally Roberts
Sales Training and Customer Experience Training that is fun, memorable (for all the right reasons), and delivers sales growth!
Edward was booked First Class to fly to New York. It was late November and he was going to New York, First Class, to skate, shop at Macy’s, visit the Statue of Liberty, walk through Central Park and eat at Daniel’s on 65th Street.
Edward had worked hard for this holiday, fulfilling a dream, one on the bucket list. He had saved hard, missed nights out to save and now he was so close to his dream trip to New York.
Edward was beyond excited as his trip of a life time was nearly here.
Sophie was given a First Class ticket to New York. It included a trip to Macy’s, Daniel’s on 65th Street for a meal and a ride by horse and carriage through Central Park.
Sophie only ever flew First Class. She did not understand why anyone would ever fly Economy. She had also been invited to an opening night of the Lloyd Webber musical on The West End. It was on the same day as the New York trip so rather a tight schedule. Not to worry, she could do New York another day. Always another time. No big deal for Sophie.
It was the same destination, same flights, similar activities - but two completely different outlooks.
How do you value what you sell, your product or service? More important, how does your customer perceive the value of your product or service?
Being in business is great and this week I learned that value, really great value is in the eye of the beholder and not in the price of the goods.
Be Valuable.
Sally Roberts 07432 545692
Copyright FTFR March 2018