Valuable Conversations.... Now What?
This week a few of the Mirus Australia team attended the Aged & Community Services Australia's Annual Summit.
The event brought together a great crowd of providers, influencers and supporters of the aged care industry.
We recognise this has been a tough year and significant change has occurred. Our message was change doesn't have to suck (and a great play on words with our conference giveaway!)
Having attended aged care conferences for the last 10 years it was fabulous to see familiar, friendly faces.
There seemed to be increasing numbers from staff in IT and marketing rolesattending. Both of these being important as the industry strives for efficiency while responding to increased competition for consumers.
There was also a rise in the number of board members attending which is no surprise given the focus on governance in the new quality standards. Being able to listen and respond to their concerns on measuring performance and sustainability was informative for both parties.
Over the 3 days of the Summit, the Mirus team had many, many conversations with people in varied roles. They told us what they wanted to change about the industry, their organisation and the way they approach their role.
If there was a single message it was they all wanted more.
More residents, more efficiency, more visibility, more time, more stability and ultimately to be able to make more informed decisions.
We are thankful for the many valuable conversations we had.
But it doesn't stop there.
Our commitment to our purpose of #makingagedcarebetter means we innovate, we follow through and we get results.
We will use these conversations to feed our mission to co-design solutions with aged care for aged care.
Our in house design team are eager to hear about the stories we have heard and for these insights to make the journey from our ears to their whiteboards.
Believe me, none of the 15 whiteboards around Mirus HQ will be lonely over the next few weeks.
Actually they never are... it's part of the continual development of our solutions and a roadmap driven by the needs of the care sector.
Personally, I get great satisfaction in connecting clients with our people and tech solutions that will support their revenue, workforce, marketing and admissions goals.
If you didn't get a chance to speak to us or would like to hear more please reach out on [email protected]