Valmennusretriittiin mun ja Aaron Alexanderin kanssa?

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Mulla on ajatuksena tuoda yksi eritt?in mielenkiintoinen henkil? Suomeen ja j?rjest?? valmennusretriitti, jossa opettaisimme asioita joita et varmasti muualla opi. Itse k?sittelisin asioita kuten mikroilmeet, vuorovaikutushakkerointi, suggestiot, hypnoottinen puhe, yhteisymm?rryksen rakentaminen, havainnointi ja kylm?lukeminen. 

Vieraani Aaron Alexander (Kanadasta) on mies, jolta olen oppinut t?ysin uskomattomia metodeja. H?n ei ole taikuri tai mentalisti, vaikka meit?kin konsultoi. Aaron pystyy kaatamaan ihmisi? et??lt?, muovaamaan todellisuutta ja vaikuttamaan ihmismieleen t?ysin ?llistytt?v?ll? tavalla. Mit??n yliluonnollisia voimia Aaronilla ei ole, vaan syv? ymm?rrys kehonkielest?, plaseboefektist?, kommunikaatiosta ja yhteyden rakentamisesta. Miehen metodit ovat t?ytt? kultaa ihmismielen ymm?rt?miseen ja vuorovaikutuksen kehitt?miseen todella korkealla tasolla. Valmennus on tarkoitettu ihmisille joita kiinnostaa vuorovaikutuksen taidot korkealla tasolla ja itsens? kehitt?minen. Mit??n h?p?h?p?juttuja ei ole luvassa, vaan t?ysin uusia ja toimivia metodeja ihmismielen, kommunikaation ja vuorovaikutuksen kehitt?miseen.

Jos kiinnostuneita l?ytyy tarpeeksi, j?rjest?n p?iv?n mittaisen valmennusretriitin Tampereella Aaronin kanssa. Hinta on viel? auki, mutta riippuen logistiikasta ja sijainnista se tulee olemaan jotain 600-1000 € v?lill? / hl?. Aaronin osuus on luonnollisesti englanniksi. Hintaan sis?ltyy aamiainen, lounas ja illallinen. Jos olet kiinnostunut, meilaa [email protected]

Valmennus on tarkoitus j?rjest?? melko pienelle porukalle, jotta kaikki saavat mahdollisimman paljon irti opeista. Aaronin kaltaista valmentajaa ei ole aiemmin Suomessa n?hty ja p?iv? tulee varmasti olemaan t?ysin ainutlaatuinen.


Aaron Alexander has traveled the world, speaking, performing, consulting, and creating pieces used by some of the world’s top performers on stage, TV, radio, and viral videos. His various talks and performances have been described as TED Talk meets pure wonderment, magic without the tricks, and an acid trip without the drugs. His approach to mental phenomena has allowed him to be a trainer and consultant for innovative programs in business, psychiatrics, personal development, and human services. 

Aaron worked for a decade in youth work and mental health, including as executive director of a world-renowned mentoring program for young offenders, before becoming a writer, consultant, and trainer for personal and professional development programs.  His experiences have led him to become passionate about understanding our unique potential as humans and what gets in the way. 

Aaron has a lifetime experience of teaching and training.  Since his first job as a fencing coach at age 15, he has trained staff and volunteers for high-stakes mediation and conferencing, social workers and interventions staff in relationship and crisis work, doctors and psychiatrists in new interpersonal techniques, as well as teaching communication and performing skills to top-tier entertainers.  He has also written a series of monographs the subject on perception, wonder, and human connection that are used by entertainers around the world. 

"I have a mysterious friend who can do things that most people cannot. He does not necessarily deceive you, so you cannot call him a magician. Yet he will do things to people who he just meets that affects them in a positively unusual manner. His performances are filled with impossible happenings. His name is Aaron Alexander.”

From the book State of Mind by Alain Nu. Alain Nu is an American mentalist, illusionist, television personality, author, and speaker.

"Unequivocally, Aaron is the man other people pretend to be. I can't recommend his work enough."

Atlas Brookings is a mentalist and skeptic who has created original pieces used by professionals around the world.

“It is hard to believe that one person could be responsible for this much […] once you meet Aaron you will understand how he accomplished this. Aaron inspires people to get involved in positive change. His ideals, his demeanor, his passion, and his work ethic inspire people to join his efforts to impact the lives of youth.”

Kate Andress is a Crown prosecutor who works with young offenders and former president of the Youth Restorative Action Project.

Aaron has what I can best describe as a genetically implanted understanding of how to wed psychology, physiology and language. He wields his skills with obvious good intent and minimal ego; the results of this are apparent on the faces and in the words of his participants.

Dr. Bill Cushman, PsyD, is a practicing psychologist and a writer of books on suggestion.

Aaron Alexander is an amazing talent and his work is almost too good to be true. His unique personal approach to the art of performance has very few comparisons and practically no competition or equals that I’ve ever seen.

Jerome Finley is a prolific creator and performer in areas of magic, mentalism and suggestion, including some highly sought-after books costing upwards of $1000 each.


