Psalm 23:4 ?Yea, though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death,,,
True Christianity isn’t for the faint hearted. We long for mountaintop experiences when we are in the valleys. We climb to mountaintops and back into the valleys various times a week, if in not in one day. ?
Someone gets saved, another one backslides. ? Someone you trust betrays you. ? You get an unexpected donation on the way to an important meeting and then you have a flat tire. ?Yestarday, checking in to United was a complete nightmare. And I usually love flying and the people God lets me sit with. ? Christian life, like any, has it’s Ups and downs. ? The only difference is when we die, we end up on the mountaintop. ?
Last night I was on a spiritual mountain top, glorifying God, in admiration of Him and in the view He was showing me. ?Then I got a little one paragraph email from someone whom I love and respect very much. He misinterpreted something and wrote a few sentences (gently worded) that crushed the life out of me. ?Sent me straight to the valley. ?
If it was something I did, I understand. But in this case it was out of the blue, and I feel that I was innocent. ?Overzealous, enthusiastic maybe? ?No idea. ?Just know I was happy, now I am not. ?Satan loves to crush beauty into ashes. ?Lots of soul searching goes on valleys. ?what did I do wrong? ?Are me and the Lord good? How do I avoid this in the future? What’s wrong with me? Damage is done. Remember, the Holy Spirit will never direct you to destroy another brother, even if you choose your words carefully. ?Especially if you are being led in prayer. ?
So today I am in the valley of the shadow of death. ? Last week I wrote from the mountain top. Now I am writing from the valley. ?God uses both. And even if you get a Poison pen letter, He still loves you and guides you.
Psalm 23:4 (b) ?I will fear no evil: for thou art with me; thy rod and thy staff they comfort me.
Have you ever walked to the top of a high mountain? ? Usually most people you’re walking with quit along the way up. Long the way of skinned knees, wheezing, possibly even a dirt nap. ? If it’s like the mountains in Chile, the mountain tops are barren, no trees, and worse yet, no air. ?You start getting altitude sickness. ?But the views are spectacular, and the feeling of achievement is once in a life time. ? But remember, it’s temporary. ?
Life on the mountaintop is not sustainable. ?Because of that there is no growth. When you look down, you see the lush green valleys, teaming with life and healthy growth. There’s not even any water on a mountaintop! ?Soon you actually will miss the shadows and uncertainties of the lush, wet valleys. ?
Psalm 63:1 O God, thou art my God; early will I seek thee: my soul thirsteth for thee, my flesh longeth for thee in a dry and thirsty land, where no water is;
In the Bible, valleys are often a metaphor for difficult times, times of darkness, despair, defeat, or discouragement. The valley of the shadow of death is a place of scarcity, danger, pain, and the unknown. This is uncharted territory for the sheep, but not for the shepherd. We can be encouraged knowing that God uses the valley to strengthen our faith and draw us closer to him.
We tend to take God for granted. ? We forget that we are sheep. ?We aren’t expected tp figure it out, handle it, succeed or be a superstar. We aren’t even expected to survive on our own. We are only asked to follow and believe. ? As we follow Him (usually in the valleys), we grow into His image. ? In the valleys is the soul searching and ultimate growth into His image.
Ephesians 4:15 But speaking the truth in love, may grow up into him in all things, which is the head, even Christ
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