Validation Study Proposal "Buy In"

Validation Study Proposal "Buy In"

I would like for you to participate in this Novagon DNA Heptad 7 Nucleotide Validation Study. The Heptad Genomic Code is the “self contained” set of nucleotide families. The Nucleic Acid heptad primer shells enable self replication of purine and pyrimidine nucleotide metabolism = {ATUICGX} . 

For “proof of concept”  I need and want your help. I envision all interested genomic scientists to treat this project like a Wiki project. Ownership credits for potential stock options will be available to the "core group" when they decide the reward system for value of contributions for the major goals of the project. 

The first step is perfecting this SAS model and we can use all the feedback we can get. I want to create a secure network where Novagon DNA collaborators can edit and make changes like in wiki leeks.

Please review this proposal carefully, and give us your honest feedback, and offer an improvement; let’s get this exciting, history making opportunity to save our species from extinction if the 7 code is empirically determined to be the most valid, reliable,and reproducible. We need to gain traction and accelerate momentum by challenging every hypothesis and empirical fact. The  “brain power and knowledge” created will be highly correlated to our level of success.

Thank you from the bottom of my heart; I look forward to working very closely with everyone who chooses to participate at every level from one time commenters to those of you who want to be in “the inner circle”. 

This project will help insure genomics is headed down the "right" path; emulating nature's results, but being very cautious in our assumptions and calculations.

Here is my initialization of a well formed scientific proposal for the 5 vs. 7 nucleotide validity study. I know it is lacking badly in most key areas, and that is where you fit in; your additions and deletions will ultimately result in a world class presentation we can all be proud of.

Describe what Novagon DNA does in one sentence.
Validate an updated, expanded 7 (ATUICGX) Nucleotide Genetic Code vs. current Canonical Watson-Crick 5 (ATGCU) Genetic Code
Describe the market challenge you are addressing and its market potential.
Main challenge is limitation of high throughput sequencing equipment, with its ability to sequence only 4 codes (ATGC)= DNA; (AUGC) = RNA.
I need a sequencer to sequence 7 (heptad nucleotides (ATGCUIX)) in an Alpha Helix Motifs motif, a common secondary structure of proteins This secondary structure is also sometimes called a classic Pauling–Corey–Branson alpha helix. The name 3.613-helix is also used for this type of helix, denoting the number of residues per helical turn, and
13 atoms being involved in the ring formed by the hydrogen bond. Among types of local structure in proteins, the α-helix is the most regular and the most predictable from sequence, as well as the most prevalent.
Also the Heptad repeats of the carboxy-terminal domain (CTD) of RNA polymerase II (Pol II) consists of heptad repeats with the consensus motif Y1-S2-P3-T4-S5-P6-S7. Dynamic phosphorylation of the CTD coordinates Pol II progression through the transcription cycle. Humans have 52 heptad repeats.
My speculation is The Heptad Nucleotide genetic + epigenetic code binds with The Heptad Alpha Helix to form a higher order (RNA/Protein/Structure for higher order electromagnetic nuclear electromagnetic , Hamiltonian Circuits based on Felix Kleins 168 symmetry Quartic Curve in non-Euclidean hyperbolic space. The 3rd and 7th dimensions of space/time are reciprocal multipliers in a projective Algebraic/Geometrical space volume and calculations between them enlarged the 7 twisted coil knots of a nucleic acid strand with 7 varieties of nucleic acids. A,B,Z DNA already exist = 3 types. I am speculating A and Z dna are recipecals in hyperbolic, sub quantum shells. I will have more to say on this topic when I have time.
Describe the product you plan to commercialize.
The first product is a new expanded genetic and epigenetic genomic code portable high throughput sequencer with can assay and mass spec at the nucleotide and atomic nano level.
The non-linear non-euclidean genomic algorithms will have to be developed. As an example, Alu, Adar, mRNA post transcriptional editing and alternative splicing is a very “hot topic” within the small RNA molecular world. Especially miRNA Adenosine to Inosine editing in higher brain tissue, bathed in glutamate and serotonin neurotransmitters which mRNA alternative splicing, allow new smaller functional proteins to be synthesized and the numbers multiplied. Given, the current sequencing technology using various AG proxy positions, which are either SNPs or genomic editing sites. The ambiguity needs to be resolved. Only by identifying AI genomic sequences can we different AG proxies from false positive to true = positive/positive.
The Adenosine to Inosine or AI ambiguity is especially troublesome since the ALU SINE non-coding DNA transposons are estimated to make up ~11% of the entire human genome. Roughly 10% * 3.2 billion nucleotides= 320 million nucleotide base pair sequences. Add to the fact, A to I and C to U Alternative splicing is found is almost 90-95% of all cells; I would think this fact alone would focus the spotlight on this metabolic process which consume 10% of the possible reactions possible in the finite human genome.
and is part of the small molecule Crispr-Cas9 nuclease genome editing revolution occurring in high throughput RNA sequencing.
The "naturally" expanded 7 nucleotide genomic code would allow for usage of more than 3% of the exome/proteome sequences dedicated to synthesizing proteins/ enzymes.
The Xanthosine cousin of Inosine is the last step in purine degradation to uric acid and
xanthine oxidase places a very big role in eliminating toxic NH3 ammonia from the CNS (glutamate neurotransmitter) and liver.
Novagon DNA aspires unprecedented disruption of the current Watson-Crick infrastructure which is the innovation , and how is it different from current solutions?
If we are able to validate Novagon DNAs 7 nucleotide vs. Watson-Crick 5 Nucleotide and synthesize natural not synthetic therapeutic compounds instead of toxic prescription and over the counter drugs with todays 5 coded genetic primer we would save at least 100,000 lives per year, keep over 2 million people from being hospitalized it would be a paradigm shift in biogenetic medicine and save billions/trillions of health care dollars over the long term.
The innovation is there is no other genomic scientist in the world working on this problem. Without the 7 nucleotide families, nucleotide metabolism cannot successfully 1. faithfully replicate DNA, 2. produce error/mutational free final mRNA transcripts, which 3. synthesizes and translates the Gene/DNA/RNA code script/instruction set for correct folding of proteins at the highest and most important levels (quarternary) protein structures bound by cysteine disulfide bonds.
Why should we Novagon DNA be highly capitalized?
Because Novagon DNA has been working on this problem for 15+ years, self funded by the founder, Dr. John A. Berger, and he is the person who initiated research in this natural not synthetic biology expansion of the genomic code. No other researchers have incorporated and integrated the DNA + RNA + Epigenetic Codes into one genomic primer. An analogy might be Glutathione, the super free radical protein which neutralizes free radicals which are the initiators of many of our most complex and deadly diseases i.e. heart disease, cancers, diabetes, parkinson's, alzheimer's etc. Glutathione was not synthesized from "traditional" central dogma DNA/RNA/Amino Acid/ Polypeptide Protein processes; it is likely other undiscovered specialized biomolecular pathways or compounds will be discovered as the depth and breadth of our knowledge expands.
With a team of peers there a numerous areas of atomic/quantum/wave/photonic genetics to be explored besides non-linear non-Euclidean space combined with exploring the original proto-genetic code which occurred at the atomic element level of mass and matter i.e. H1,C6,N7,O8,P15,S16,Se34.
Novagon DNA will greatly expand sequencing markets and offer valid genomic editing protocols for repair of all cell and tissue types in the human genome.
The paradigm shift from 4 to 6 or 7 independent parallel sequencing arrays will revolutionize sequencing and the entire genomic database/knowledge bases which are present life science and clinical models are based on. A robust validation study on the genetic code has never been performed, but the validity would be zero = 0.000 since every prescription drug in the PDR has toxic side effects which means it does not do what it is intended to.
All these new areas of biomolecular medical/disease research areas will require new
types of sequencing/big data analytics/machines which will further Novagon DNAs World Wide Prominence as the Unquestioned Leader in Genomic Technologies, would become a reality.
How would you leverage Novagon’s technology and resources? *
By validating and pairing nature's 3.5 billion year old evolutionary developed 7 nucleotide genomic code with her 7 alpha helix amino acid protein motif higher order functionality between nucleic acids and proteins will lead to more powerful combinatorial gene and chromosomal and neurological regulatory networks with more precision i.e. nucleotide base pair targeting and control by nanotechnology synthetic biology modeling the billions of nodes, edges, and faces inherent in every higher dimensional space which our linear, planar and three dimensional models are not yet equipped to explore, except through theoretical physics, non-linear lie algebraic/projective/geometric space which has not biomolecular analogues to test.
Novagon DNA’s empirical proofs are only through deductive, inductive, and abductive logic based on a deep understanding of metabolic pathways, biochemical reactions, enzyme dynamics, complex disease precursors, SNPs and other mutational events, small RNA molecule gene editing and stem cell therapies. Novagon DNA is also working in sub quantum biomolecular chemistry where life began in the universe, I believe.
I have color coded all the nucleotide families i.e. 7 colors of the rainbow, to show the metabolic roles and functions of anabolic and catabolic reactions i.e. all Kegg maps. I am working on genetic algorithms to model a 7 nucleotide genomic code, along with sequence level mapping of A to I miRNA post transcriptional editing and alternative splicing, plus C to U deamination Apobec 1,2,3 muti-editing holoenzyme.
I have not tried in-silico modeling but the data bases do not have the additional codes UIX annotations on whole genome reference standards necessary for validation and certification by all the agencies who have to authorize usage of Novagon DNA heptad 7 nucleotide genomic code. ATUICGX
The three specific milestones Novagon DNA would like to achieve during next two years.
1. Complete a 7 nucleotide vs. 5 nucleotide genomic code validation study using "wet lab" samples and "real world" compounds to test my hypothesis.
2. Use the Novagon Heptad Code to "patch" SNPs through Crispr-Cas 9 Apoptosome nuclear pore binding and filtering dynamics
3. Learn much more about high throughput capabilities and limitations, and in general more about the bioinformatic algorithms used to perform whole genome sequencing and alternative splicing decision trees.

John Berger
Founder Novagon DNA
Phone Number
[email protected]
LinkedIn Address


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