Validation Model: You cannot trust 100% in your FEA  simulation

Validation Model: You cannot trust 100% in your FEA simulation

"Dedicated to Former colleagues at Fuel Cell Energy"

Do not change just the External Colors of Fuel Cell Stack Container, or Change CEO many times. Shares will keep failing because market has any trust in FCE Technology or Management.
"Insanity is doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results"

Focus all the energy, resources and time in finding why the stack durability cannot be longer: Stop nonsense: Load Leveler, tring to buy PCUs that are Grid Disturbances proof. Changing logos, and selling strategies. Last MCFC stacks produce: Power, Heat, Hydrogen & food-grade CO2.

FACTs: Unhappy Customers

POSCO Power after signing an agreement with $50M. Biggest Fuel Cell Power Plant built in South Korea

Enbridge: MCFC used to produce power and heat for Step Down Pressure Station. Heat provided in Temperature Control at the Toronto GTA Step Down Gas Pipeline. (Fuel Cell Energy CEO Jason Few is part of the Enbridge Board too)

Fuel Cell Energy Last Reverse Split given as birthday to me Nov 8. Thanks!

FuelCell Energy's (FCEL) last reverse stock split was on November 8, 2024, with a ratio of 1-for-30:?

Provide by Google

News: Fuel Cell Energy/Solid Oxide Fuel Cells Business

Fuel Energy bought Canadian Global Thermoelectric, keeping the fuel division. Selling the thermoelectric Generator Division. In 2005 SOFC system was tested and pass metrics at the DOE department running 4000 hrs, degradation less 3% all designed MBoP & EBoP, built and pre-tested in Canada. After 20 years: "The company believes that the demonstration of its Solid Oxide Electrolyzer at Idaho National Laboratory in 2025 will be pivotal to enabling that progress." There are not more news about SOFC systems, now become an Electrolyzer". In comparison: 1960 Nasa announces the Apollo program, First Lunar Landing 1969. only nine year. We are looking forward to see the results validated by Official Entity DOE.

Electrolyzer Datasheet :

Stay tuned!

Validation Model for MCFC, extending Stack Life:

A combination between FEA Simulation and Analysis plus Validation Model will be apply: Hypothesis: Keep Constant Pressure on the main axis with an adaptive control system, locate strain gauges and thermocouples to measure the Stack expansion and temperatures distribution. Run FEA and Compare with measurement data. (Apply Scientific Method no BS)

  1. Finite Element Approach for the Analysis of the Fuel Cell Internal Stress Distribution. Read more
  2. Following figure shows a validation Model:

Validation Model

Following figure shows positions and sensor type: Strain Gauges, Temperatures Thermocouples:

coming soon

More coming up!

Personal results: working for Fuel Cell Energy: Lost my Job in Canada, (FCE took over Global Thermoelectric), Commissioning PCUs all over Korea for FCE cause too much stress I was not prepared for it: a Stroke. Downloading a new PCU Firmware almost killed me by PCU explosion. Layoff after 10 years working with not severance (after supporting all Satcon PCUs, redesigned IGBTs gating card, designed a test gig for PCU controller, created data in Source Safe with all DPCB firmwares, these are just few). No bad feeling however this is not "the American Dream I had in mind". However, I am going to be a pain in the a... instead a "strong critic" as I was taught always be politically correct, of all Fuel Cell Energy news.



