Validating data from the database or better yet - the road map to validation
The number one rule of programming is do not trust the client(I sound like Dr. Json bull from the "Bull" television show)
Hi everyone today let's embark on system security and how we can't trust anyone even ourselves
Step 1 validating content before sending it to the server
Content validation is as important as anything else in programming but very important when it comes to security.
I use Valibot to parse my content before sending it on its way to the server
by no means am I an expert in javscript so do not judge I am merely making a point!
after the data is parsed and meets the criterion I want it is safe to send to the server
Step 2 validating on the backend?
I am a gopher through and through so the very aspect that Golang is a typed language is very reason I loved it very much.
So after authorisation is done it is time to make sure that the front end wasn't corrupted and validate the data again
Step 3 validating on the database
with that, I think you could add a step on the database schema so as to validate the items on creation but I think I am good- probably not!
besides Golang and its type character is a security on its own.
Either way you can never be too careful so it's safe to add to constraints to the schema.
Step 4 validating items from the server
When my colleague suggested this, I was like are you serious? You are so paranoid that you even don't trust yourself.
come to think of it
It has nothing to do with paranoia and everything to do with your peace of mind, like tests and other security measures are meant to!
With that said, it began to take root in my coding and this are the reasons?
Although with this, you cannot get items that are not defined on the major interface -- the typescript way, how sure are you that the name will be a string instead of a empty or undefined?
With that said, this is the reason for validating items originating from the backend
In the screenshot above we have validated the items and now you are sure you are working with the correct data
And that wraps our journey of validation
I wish you lovely day ahead!