Valentine's Day
Happy Valentine’s Day! Honestly?, here’s a confession...I don’t like Valentine’s Day. I definitely don’t like the commercialism that comes with it. It’s not because I don’t like love (I’m a hopeless romantic). It's not because I’m not crazy about my wife (read on...). It’s just, why do we have to have a day to remind us to pursue the one we should already be chasing full-speed-ahead?! Didn’t we do radical, with-all-our-heart, spare-no-effort attempts to win our loves in the first place? When did we stop?! Why did we stop?! Shouldn’t it be a daily full-court press to pursue and win the love of our life’s heart each and every day?! Shouldn’t EVERY day be Valentine’s Day?! Just because we got the girl, does that mean we stop the pursuit and move on to the next thing?! NO!!! Or maybe, Valentine’s Day can be a “kickstart” to get us going again, but gentlemen, pursuing and protecting our princesses’ hearts is the greatest privilege and blessing that our heavenly Father has ever given us! What an honor!
At the same time, I don’t want to miss out! I don’t want to lose a single moment that comes my way! So, I’m thankful to another opportunity to honor my true, treasure trove, gift from God. Yes, she’s my wife…but SO much more! She truly is my fairytale princess! We have more fun, laughter, craziness & silliness, more adventure and fun than anyone can imagine. I’ve been told that there are five love languages (Quality time, words of encouragement, touch, acts of service and gifts...I think there’s also a sixth – humor!), but I believe that every woman speaks at least seven dialects of each love language. I want to become fluent in all 42 love languages!
If I’ve said it once, I’ve said it hundreds of times… no one in this world deserves this woman. I DEFINITELY don’t deserve her! I just think that God saw that He could trust me to take care of her heart. I’m truly the toad that got to be kissed by the Princess! She is the dream that I could not even begin to dream! She’s the words to the song that I was trying to sing! She makes my heart melt… and BURN! I still get sweaty palms when I’m with her and my heart still races when I simply think of her!?
I’m SOOOO thankful that our loving Father took such intricate care and detail to create this woman that I adore. I love her so much it sometimes scares me! I cherish her! I’m head-over-heels, crazy, madly, upside-down, silly in love with this woman.
She’s my home. She’s my favorite place on this planet! I love it when she gets to walk with me. It hurts like crazy to be apart from her when she can’t come along. I look forward to the day when God makes a way for us to be carrying the cross around the world full-time together!
My sweet, fairytale princess, I want to thank you for being such a beautiful reflection of God’s great, big heart of love! You are such a noble, wise, humble, strong and tender, tough and full of love, fearless, Jesus adoring woman. Thank you for showing me what it really looks like to have the light, life, love, joy, peace & goodness of Jesus shining through a heart that is completely surrendered & yielded to Him! I’m a blessed man! My life has been forever changed for the better!! Thank you for saying, “yes”!
Happy Valentine’s Day!
God bless you!!
PS -- I know that it's a lot of pictures, but I have an album called, "US" and it has over 4,000! I think you'd prefer this many instead of all those! :)
Account Executive, CDR Division
2 年I believe this is the sweetest Valentines tribute I have ever read. I'm blessed to witness such a fairytale. God is the most magnificent author. Stay Blessed!