Valentine's Day in Brazil - Why it is in June?

Valentine's Day in Brazil - Why it is in June?

Valentine's Day in Brazil (

In other countries such as France, the United States and England, Valentine's Day is celebrated on February 14, on Saint Valentine's Day. In Brazil, we celebrate Valentine's Day on June 12th, one day before Saint Anthony's Day, which is the saint of weddings.

A long time ago, Saint Anthony helped women find husbands. He helped humble girls with dowries and trousseau for their wedding. Soon he became known as the saint of the weddings and every woman who wanted help getting married used to pray and still prays to Saint Anthony.

Valentine's Day or "Dia dos Namorados" is celebrated during the Festas Juninas in the month of June and many couples take the opportunity to reaffirm their vows in wedding performances with the Quadrilhas Juninas.

Valentine's Day in Brazil (


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