Valentines 2021 -Universal message of love
John Abbate FBDS
Meanwhile Activations Programme Manager - WCC, Customer Experience Advisor -, British Display Society Director - BRITISH DISPLAY SOCIETY
In the past Valentines has been about the love relationship between couples story of gift giving but now it is more about gratitude and love in general. Valentines this year is an opportunity for retailers to express their gratitude to their customers and for all of us to reflect upon some of the more important things in life. The message of Black Lives Matter is still relevant as we should continue to come to terms with racism and equality for all. Valentines has the potential to be more more meaningful and emotionally relevant to everyone.
As it is the case, the time leading up to Valentines day on February 14th will see most stores closed so window display can be about 2 things:
- The universal message of LOVE with other key words such as; HOPE, PEACE, UNITY, RESPECT are messages we can communicate that resonate with all of during this period leading up to Valentines day.
- As most shops will be closed, windows are an e-commerce selling tool. Products on display should be available online.
This is a more socially conscious window that goes to a deeper level of communication of a shop or brand's philosophy with a more personal side and emotional connection with their customers. The universal message of LOVE with other key words such as; HOPE, PEACE, UNITY, RESPECT are messages we can communicate that resonate with all of during this period leading up to Valentines day. [check out and please give credit to Shaun PRICKIMAGE’s project ]
These messages can be quite literally used in window display as per the attached images.
As most shops will be closed, windows are an e-commerce selling tool. Products on display should be available online. The website URL, QR codes and other signage linking to online sales and customer services need to be prominent in the window displays. The way products are displayed need to facilitate window shoppers choice of products and encouraged customers to go on line. Products can be about loving others and wanting to show appreciation but also about self love and buying things to make ourselves feel better.
Mother’s day in the UK ( March 14th) soon follows so some retailers may want to reuse the valentines window scheme with the same messages that are still relevant but more about showing love and appreciation for the mothers in our lives. The words ‘MUM’ or can be added to existing window background or window vinyl text.
There could be images or caricatures of mothers added to focus on this target market and gifting opportunity.
Adults, who’s mothers they cannot visit, will want to send gifts to them. The text ’send a gift to your mum in time for mothers day’ can be included in the window. Gifts wrapped as parcels, in brown paper being sent out, can be props. Again the products should focus on what mothers might want while they are in lockdown.
The general, the mood is glum out there and most retailers will find it hard to be motivated or invest in window display but the efforts made to encourage and make your customers and the general passing public, feeling better. Keeping window displays up to date and relevant will not only generate online sales but be remembered when shops open up again.
Making others feel good also has an affect of making those doing the windows feel good too. In at least that we share the universal message of love and thanks through the usually cheesy holiday of Valentines Day.
Make this Valentines Day more meaningful and take the opportunity to emotionally connect to your customers.