A Valentine's Gift for Our Friends at the Village at St. Clair

A Valentine's Gift for Our Friends at the Village at St. Clair

This year RBC Dominion Securities Windsor wanted to do something special for Valentine's Day.

 No group has had a more challenging year than the amazing teams at the elder care homes in our community. So we tried to put a little smile on the faces of the staff at the Village of St Clair. Each staff member received a small gift from Tim Horton's courtest of our team at RBC DS. Along with that gift came a little video made by some of our team members. You can see it here (https://ca.rbcwealthmanagement.com/24.branch/blog/2822908-A-Valentine-Gift-for-Our-Friends-at-the-Village-at-St-Clair)

 We appreciate everything you do for our community and we cannot wait to celebrate better days ahead!


