Vagabonding through Life
It’s time again. I’m packing up my car, relocating to the next stop on my currently vagabonding life journey. Excitement and inspiration are tickling me. Gratefulness for the abundance of amazing people, love, light, and joy in my life, is moving like waves through my being. So delightful.
I remember feeling very very different as I started this journey years ago, going from place to place. It wasn’t a conscious, deliberate choice back then. Circumstances - Life - picked me up from a life that I loved and dropped me “alone in the unknown”. Resistance is what I felt then - powerful, fire-burning denial and resistance. It didn’t feel fair... I had done nothing wrong, nothing to “deserve” that. How it happened “wasn’t right”. Oh, my mind had a field day, fueling intense emotions, spiraling… lost in the hurricane of fear-based interpretations.
I had all the tools, all the phycological and spiritual techniques, processes and wisdom… and yet, nothing seemed to work. My ability to stay calm, centered, and happy was gone… the woman I knew myself to be was gone… and it was terrifying. For those of you who know my skydiving story… this was “the same thing”… free-falling without a parachute… only m u c h s l o w e r.
Just like in my skydiving accident, there came a time where the persona of Eva realized ‘there is nothing I can do about this’… and with that realization came acceptance, surrender, and grace - the return to the center of the hurricane where peace and stillness are always present.
Learning to live in the “center of the hurricane” changes everything… life becomes easy and exciting, like the amazing adventure it truly is. As I pack my car today, I remember the words whispered in my ear those many years ago; ‘I’m going to have to take everything away, or you will never be free’… grateful to be flowing with Life now.
#EvaCharlotte #LifeEmpowerment #RISE
#RiseInLove #Peacemakers #ECRIL
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