Vaccination Passports? Yes or No?
Rory Musker
Registration, Badging, Access Control, Capacity Management, Staff & Attendee Monitoring and Management, RFID & Barcodes
For the government it is extremely hard to map a way out of this pandemic due to the uncertainty of the future. In a week's time a new variant could be raging across the UK. I certainly hope not as another lock down could be terminal for all, let alone the Events and Hospitality Sectors.
The lack of clarity is causing the government to flip-flop on the matter of Vaccination Passports. One day they are off, a few days later they are back on the agenda.
It is not that it is a simple question as there are many technical, practical, ethical and moral issues to consider.
If Vaccination Passports are adopted they must originate from a reliable and secure source to ensure the validity of the passport or certificate. This posses problems in itself in that NHS Data will be ideal but access to it will need to be very carefully monitored to ensure privacy laws, data protection, GDRP etc are all protected.
RFID Cards would be ideal as a secure, reliable and cost effective way of deploying a Vaccination Passport but it is only one element of a very complex topic.