Vacation, What Is That!!!
Studies have shown that 1/3 of American workers don’t take their paid vacation time. According to the Bureau of Labor statistics, paid time off makes up 7% of total compensation. This is not surprising at all. The study indicates several reasons, but I want to identify the main reason that not one wants to talk about, culture. The truth is most people are too stressed or afraid to take time off, because of the culture and perception. Staffing levels are tight, and productivity models leave little room for coverage. PRN pools not as prevalent as they once were for coverage. The employees realize that they are expected to be loyal to the company, but the same loyalty is often not reciprocated. They understand the “here today, gone tomorrow” concept and feel pressured into not taking off. Workers/employees also have a sense of loyalty to their direct colleagues and fellow workers (not usually their superiors) and don’t want to leave them in a pinch. There is also the perception of how their superior will view them. Another study also showed that the higher up in the organization the less vacation time was taken
Vacation anxiety also exists. This occurs where even if you do take off, you never truly disconnect. You check emails and take calls, so you won’t be overwhelmed when you return. This is crazy and extremely unhealthy.
What about taking time off for being sick? Nope, plenty of sick people are coming to work exposing everyone. In healthcare, this puts not only staff at risk but more importantly patients.
This even occurs when people die. Employees feel an obligation to the job, over grieving and taking care of their family. I know because I have been there twice and regretted it both times. To go one step further, I know women that feel guilty about taking time off to have a baby. INSANITY.
This may not be the rules and managers, director and supervisors may say that this is not the case, but it is the culture. Fear and coercion have created this monster over time. The impact is costly, higher turnover, less motivated employees, less engaged employees. The effect spreads like cancer to personal relationships (quality time), happiness, personal finances, and personal health (even substance abuse). All in a work environment where “quality” and “focus” are supposed to be key and what we advertise with.
"Our relationships shouldn't be casualties of our work martyr complex. This report should serve as a warning that our loved ones deserve our time," said Katie Denis
As indicated in my previous article people are working far more than a 40-hour work week, just to get the job done. This combined with not being able to take a true vacation and missing life events creates a volatile storm. Stress and burnout are becoming all too common. The workload and the expectations continue to go up. Employees don’t say “no” or “I can’t” in fear that their employer will just find someone who can/will.
To change this, many startups offer unlimited days off. Other companies even give a pay increase for the days taken off. The health of your employees physical and mental is directly related to the health of your business, regardless of industry or service line.
Let me know what you think. Feel free to call – 318-537-1509
Jordan Johnson
Great read... I can relate, unfortunately.