V for Validation - the alphabetical story of rightcoverage growth
Martyn Gould
Tech Founder. 1 x exit to CarphoneWarehouse . Now founder of checker.rightcoverage.co.uk
Looking at requirements. Assessing whether you can deliver them. Building a solution. Gaining feedback from early adopters. Adjusting the product/service if necessary.
Yep. We've done all that and more. But the reason why validation helped us to grow is that if something didn't work or generate revenue, we were ruthless and simply got rid of it.
Enhanced search functions that are rarely used? Gone*
*actually going, still there as of today ??
Expensive deals, aimed at niche markets in the UK? Gone**
**actually going, still there as of today ??
Validation of your whole service is complex. In our minds, validation comes from revenue. Validation of individual components is easy. If a feature is not used, or a product just does sell - what's the point of it being there?
The more simple your service, the less friction. The less friction, the higher the revenue.
I know, I know - it's not rocket science.
Scores on the doors. For every 50K we've spent on growth, we've earned 100K in revenue. A 100% return. If you validate, amend and re-test in an iterative process, you'll get there. Honestly.
We're rightcoverage.co.uk and we've turned an idea into a service and a company.