UX Designer- A Versatile Area of Study
Design Scholae
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A UX designer has numerous career path choices- Did you know?
Have you decided to be a UX designer? Still pondering over the exact direction to execute!
There are several directions a UX designer can take their career to. With the advancement of experiences, knowledge and skills, one can shape his/her specialization to a specific nature of work.
There are various career key competencies of a UX designer. Let us have a look at some of them
In this article we will take a closer look at the role of UX Researcher.
A UX researcher focuses
To avoid any problem which can be faced by a user or a customer after using any product, some interviews are conducted. The interview is done at the beginning; before designing any product.
The research is of two types:
Qualitative Research: interviews are done with a few people for example five or six. The researcher asks the customer, what they need to use a particular product or any application. What are their requirements?
Quantitative Research: interviews are done with a maximum number of people. Surveys are steered on social media for instance on google, e-mail, WhatsApp etc.
Researchers use jargon-free language; an easily understandable language devoid of tech words. They use leading questions; questions that are interrelated to each other. The researcher prepares some questionnaires to do the survey which answer what, when, where, why, who and how.
These are some of the strong research method foundations which can lead you to be a very good and smart UX researcher.
So, if you are thinking of a newfound career, then pick out this and become a UX designer expert! Why go back and forth if you can get the certification course here at Design Scholae! Contact us: ?8368070068 to know about all details.