UVVM light for simpler entry to UVVM
Espen Tallaksen
CEO EmLogic, Co-founder TechSeed & EmLogic, Director FPGA and Space (now hiring - see my posts)
The Universal VHDL Verification Methodology (UVVM) is free and open source, and the usage world-wide is exploding.
The feedback from UVVM users is that UVVM Utility library is dead simple to use. You are up and running in minutes, but we still recommend inexperienced designers to go through a single power point or a one hour free webinar to get a step-by-step introduction to how a simple testbench should be made - from scratch. This also works as a good introduction to the entry level of UVVM : The Utility library and BFMs.
The full UVVM is very structured with all VIPs (Verification IP) organised in separate directories sharing the same sub-structure. However, some users have told us they find it difficult to use the UVVM BFMs when they are located in separate directories and compiled into separate VHDL libraries.
So to help everybody getting an even easier entry to using the UVVM utility library and all the provided BFMs we have now published a new Github repository: UVVM light. This is a subset of the full UVVM, where all the source files for the different BFMs are provided in the same directory, as is also all the different documentation (Utility library and all BFM quick references).
To make things even simpler, everything is now compiled into a single library. A script is of course also provided to allow you to compile the complete utility library and all the BFMs, Finally a demo testbench is also given with its own scripts.
UVVM light really provides the simplest possible entry into structured verification using BFMs and a well proven testbench infrastructure.