UV disinfection for added infection control In office and OR
Larry Weinstein MD FACS
Chief, Plastic Surgeon at Plastic Surgery Associates
The Lantern UV Disinfection System is an easily transportable UV-C generator designed for use in any healthcare, laboratory, or research setting with emphasis on use within emergency response vehicles. It is used to provide a rapid and highly effective method to disinfect surfaces and components to reduce the transfer of dangerous organisms. The Lantern can be used in both the upright and inverted positions such that it can be hung from railings or hooks. The Lantern can also be used in doctor’s offices where it can be used to disinfect both patient and waiting rooms during evening hours.
The Lantern produces an efficient UVC output of 150 mw/cm2 to get a calculated 99% reduction of MRSA in 1 minute and spores like Clostridium difficile in 6 minutes within a 4ft distance.
"Doctor Larry Weinstein is a Board Certified Plastic Surgeon and has helped over 25,000 patients over nearly 3 decades in his office in Chester, NJ. Not only are his efforts put forth to deliver beautiful results that fulfill the intended desires of the patient, but he places equal concern on their safety. After touring the state-of-the-art, yet charming, facility, I was impressed with the countless sterilization equipment and procedures that Dr. Weinstein and his staff have implemented in order to preserve a sterile environment during procedures, and especial in his surgical suite. Most recently, Dr. Weinstein has added the innovation of ultraviolet light disinfection by utilizing the Lantern by Branchburg based ClorDiSys Solutions. Ultraviolet light disinfection is the growing technology for disinfection within healthcare facilities due to UV-C rays’ ability of being a chemical free method to achieve a 99% kill rate of harmful organisms in the matter of minutes. Dr. Weinstein can easily eliminate any potential pathogen that was introduced by simply plugging in and turning a knob. Although rarely having any infection issues occur during his extensive professional career, Dr. Weinstein wishes to take any preventative measures he can in order to best care for all of his patients in every aspect. Whether it be his philanthropic service trips in India, performing over 1,000 free surgeries, or patients visiting his Chester office, Dr. Weinstein holds each and every one of their well-beings to the highest of standards."