??utoHotkey Is Dead??
It’s hard to believe but, according to this post by Lexikos, AHK v1 is DEAD!? He has no intention of updating it (even for bug fixes).?? Back in December of 2022 he mentioned it was to be considered “deprecated” however he was still updating it and backporting some functionality from v2. However now it seems very clear that Lexikos is “done” with v1 and has put all his focus on improving v2.? Speaking of which he’s been very active on the alpha version of v2.1 which will be bringing some cool new functionality.? You can read about V2.1-alpha.9 here.
So, if you’re still working with v1, we highly recommend you switch to v2.? We’ve got a great course making the transition to v2 painless.?
If you’re new to AutoHotkey, we recommend you start of with v2.? Our Intro to AutoHotkey course.
We discuss the updates to v2 and death of v1 in this video.
Update to v2 and Death of AutoHotkey v1
Now on with the show…
Intro to v2 Tutorial
If you’re wanting a quick review of AHK v2 you can get a simple introduction in this video.? Keep in mind this is a very short introduction and is meant for people that haven’t used AutoHotkey before.? Remember our AHK courses are made up of videos that are typically 3-5 minutes long and come with an amazing guarantee.
Intro to AutoHotkey Version 2 | Learn to automate programs with AHK v2
?? Amazing Clipboard History Tool ??
If you’re using windows 10 or 11 then you’re probably in the same love/hate relationship with the Built-in Clipboard history tool accessed by hitting Windows + V.? While this is better than nothing, we are always disappointed when using it as there is no way to filter your results and it was also annoying that you had to look through the GUI.? In our ClipHistory tool you can have it suggest items from your clipboard as you type.? You can see a demonstration of this amazing tool here.
Check out this New Clipboard History tool
Easily Creating Resizable GUIs
Our notify class is quite cool but sometimes you want to dump a lot of text into a resizable GUI.? While our course: GUIs are easier in v2 shows that GUIs are very easy to create, it is still nice having a simple function you can call that can change the core things like: Font type, Font size, Color, background color, etc. by just calling a simple function.? Our Resizable GUI can save you a ton of time making it easy to create edit fields.? You can check it out in this video.
How to Easily Create Resiable GUIs in AutoHotkey v2
Working with the Case Statements and a GUI
Speaking of GUIs, a few weeks back Isaias gave us some good insights as to how to leverage using the Case statement with Checkboxes in a GUI.? Case statements are great ways to “clean up” your code and make it much easier to read.? You can check out the video here.
Working with Case statement & Checkboxes in a v2 AHK GUI
?? What we're reading
?? AI / Chat GPT-3 News / Usage
??Productivity tips: Agenda’s rock!
Having a clear agenda is a great way to make sure your meetings are productive.? If you’re leading, have one.? If you’re attending, ask for one.
?? A spot of Humor Funniest Clinic Duties
I used to love watching Dr. House (just for the comedic parts) but now that we’re working with more Radiologists I’m having a new appreciation for the show.? Here are some funny parts
Funniest Clinic Duties | House M.D.
What we ??utomated this week with AutoHotkey #38
This week I didn’t get a chance to record this video on Sunday (I was working on my rental) so I had to do a “quick” version during lunch on Monday.? So sorry for the rushed version but you can check out what we automated last week in this video.
What we automated with AutoHotkey #38
Rob W. is a radiologist we’re helping and, in response to a script we wrote him said
“I feel like a kid on Christmas morning?”
I’m telling you, you’re missing out if you don’t have us automate your work for you!
AHK Hero ??
Consider joining the ??AHK Hero club! Members receive 25% off courses, consultations, tutoring, done for you project work, etc.? ??Currently we have over 230 hours of recordings teaching AutoHotkey that is exclusive to AHK Hero members?
During this Friday’s call we’re planning to discuss:
They also have access to exclusive & pre-released content and a 3 hours a week where we help people with their AHK issues (the Saturday calls are geared towards people new to AutoHotkey.)
??? ?? Quotable quotes
Do you know someone that would benefit from learning useful automation tips like the gems in today’s issue?? Take a second and forward this newsletter and bask in the glow of their undying gratitude.? Was this email forwarded to you?
Sign up for this Newsletter here.? We never share your email with anyone.? Ever!
Joe, Isaias, Irfan, Rizwan and staff
P.S. If you’re still using v1, I highly encourage you to take a look at v2.? While the v1 executable will be around for a long time, it doesn’t sound like it will continue to get updates.? Our v1 to v2 course is a great way to dive into v2 and has zero risk because of our double your money back guarantee.