Utilitarianism Demands Sacrifice ‘for the Greater Good’… Enforcement Will Become a Hot Issue….part 102
Utilitarianism … is based on a mathematical equation that some can be inconvenienced or sacrificed for the greater good of a majority of people — that people who opposed covid-19 vaccination could be required to be vaccinated during epidemics…..
We're seeing this erosion of civil liberties because, unless you take liberty from the people — and they're doing it in the name of safety — you cannot do the kinds of things that we've been talking about [such as restricting work, education, travel and social engagement unless you are vaccinated and implementing biometric tracking of the population] …
The coronavirus crisis is an act of war against humanity. We must reach out to all those who are victims of the crown crisis. The legitimacy of the COVID-19 pandemic depends on fear, misinformation, and submission to higher authority.
We must fight propaganda to break a criminal project of global destruction, in which the search for power and corrupt profits are the primary force.
Home confinement, restrictions on going outside, population control through mobile phones, apps and drones, more militarization and vaccination that causes autoimmune diseases and reactions: where are corrupt elites leading humanity?
Under the guise of the coronavirus, these intrusions operate in “false democracies”, at serious risk of consolidation. The terrorist attacks were equipped with new security measures, which are deteriorating the civil and democratic rights of freedom. We are facing a new escalation of "loss of civil and constitutional rights", leading to a massive vaccination of humanity.
The Covid-19 has caused much fear and hysteria in almost every country in the world. and this induces the population to accept the quarantines .
What do vaccines do? They put weakened, dead or parts of microbes along with other offenders inside the body - a direct leaky gut deposit not only bypassing our natural immune defense but weakening it.
This Covid-19 is moving along, evolving like all those before it, & it will not doubt burn out. What bugs the Power Elite is our potential for Independence and Freedom outside of their power structure. What will make our jobs to keep what Independence or Freedom we may have is the Court System has been filled with those who walk lock step with all Corporate all the time. The Legacy Media is owned & directed by the 1%.
The current political system is actually One Party, the $$$ Party with a lot of bipartisan cooperation for nearly anything against the general publics actual needs or concerns no matter what they are.
Unfortunately the General Public is more than likely to clamor & demand a vaccine totally unaware of the negatives and totally unaware of the computer chip to rule the minutia of our lives until our lives are completely no longer ours.
The economic and social "collateral damage" of COVID-19 is the massive unemployment, poverty, death and despair that emanates from the financial establishment. We have a blockade that destroys our institutions, undermines family life and social relations, closes schools and universities, destroys culture (including music and the arts), impoverishes large sectors of the world population.
The goal of financial elites, multi-million dollar foundations, and philanthropists is the concentration of wealth, the bankruptcy of the real economy, mass unemployment, social inequality, and racism.
A new stage in the evolution of global capitalism is unfolding. A system of “Global Governance” controlled by powerful financial interests including corporate foundations and Washington think tanks oversees decision-making at both the national and global levels.
www.globalresearch.ca/global-capitalism-world-government-and-the-coron.. (june 2020)
Disclaimer: The information on this POST is not intended or implied to be a substitute for professional advice. The opinions expressed within this article are the personal opinions of the author. All content, including text, graphics, images and information, contained on or available through this article is for general information purposes / educational purposes only, and to ensure discussion or debate.
Thank you …Fear is a powerful emotion that can be used to manipulate humanity for evil ends. Recall 911 and the Patriot Act, and of course the non-existent "Weapons of Mass Destruction" used to justify a war that continues to ravage innocent people (consider Syria).
Now we have a new, FAKE "Weapon of Mass Destruction" in the Coronavirus.?
We willingly surrendered our civil liberties with "lockdowns" to "flatten the curve," but what we thought initially would be a limited period is being extended indefinitely to all areas of what was "normal" life.
Fear, fueled by corporate Media and suppression of alternative views on social media platforms, has enabled Governors and Mayors to become dictators.
We are restricted from gathering--unless you're a protester--for worship, told to cover our faces with "masks" (that at first they said we shouldn't wear), and as states begin to reopen their economies, the corporate-controlled media amps up the hysteria with warnings of "surges" and "spikes" of "new cases.
Of course, they don't mention that the "spike" reflects wider testing and that the vast majority of people who get the virus are asymptomatic or have mild symptoms and will not get seriously ill.
Our hospitals are half empty and ICUs not overwhelmed. Attempts to promote natural health and alternative views of the virus are censored as "misinformation" or "conspiracy theories," even views from medical experts .
The masses will want the vaccine and the rest of us will be forced to take it. There are just too many stupid people who have no reasoning or thinking ability in this country and the powers that be know it. People will willingly sacrifice their children to a vaccine that is rushed not even thinking of the dangers. If their child dies or is damaged, the makers of the vaccine can't be held responsible.
Want to add word or two?
To fight or not to fight that is the question. "Whether 'tis nobler in the mind to suffer the slings and arrows of outrageous fortune, Or to take arms against a sea of troubles.
And by opposing end them." (Shakespeare) Or should we ignore the troubles of the world, look after ourselves and say it's all an illusion".
Hmmm Zen philosophy says "do not avoid problems" ... "take action".
It woke politicians up who don't read legislation and there was a backlash in both the 2 main political parties. Our efforts had an effect and woke up several key influential people (that took 8 months).
Members of the Treasurer's own Party told him that he would not be preselected for the next election if he continued to support the Bill.
I can assure you that if all of us who know better about vaccines start speaking up and educating friends and we start visiting or at least phoning our political representatives ...... it does have an effect. The solution lies not with the Government but with all of us who know better. We need to educate those who have been deceived.
Your comment ….?
The widening oppression of a huge underclass....to be controlled through armies of militarized police and psychologically with BLM shaming>>> to weaken and make the public more compliant to criminally created austerity. Black men in particular have been acting out their rage over economic hopelessness for decades, but have been misdirected by operatives like Sharpton and other fake black leaders...It's systemic poverty not systemic racism you hysterical dupes....
You've been robbed of your lands and economic opportunity and turned into a multicolored slave caste....The cancer of monopolies and their corrupt tools in governments, universities and media stole your labor, resources and women just like Vikings of old, albeit using stealth and deceit in place of swords and axes......Only methods of domination have changed; history remains the same.
We are facing tyranny in all systems of power, information and culture.
Know thyself inscribed in the pronaos of the temple of Apollo in Delphi, and it must be added: know the others, because the truth about the political class and the oligarchies that dominate this world of false information, must be inscribed in people's minds.
Bioengineering, the expansion of individuals through digital media change this society. People are being aligned to a transformation and predestined to be commanded by bioengineering, robotics, intelligent computer systems will decide what people must do in order for well-being to be crushed by the power of corrupt oligarchies.
Managing Director at DAYALIZE
4 年This pandemic is extremely serious. It is going to push hundreds of millions of people into poverty Due to this financial crisis, many countries run the risk of not being able to pay their international credits or face a very significant financial destabilization in their economies, which will multiply the. effects. For vast swathes of the globe, the pandemic will leave deep, deep scars UNDP Administrator Achim Steiner said. "Without support from the international community, we risk a massive reversal of gains made over the last two decades and an entire generation lost." It is easy enough to discern that tracing, tracking and mandated vaccines are about surveillance, control and profit. Were it not so, there would be more at tempt to control protesters and rioters who do not observe social distancing. Enforcement is selective, irrational and biased. When a mandate is unconstitutional, a person has a right, even a duty, to disobey. How much time to we have to speak up and batten down the hatches? I don't really know. However, production of enough vaccines should take at least until fall or winter. Obviously, vaccines cannot be mandated until there is an adequate supply.? Meanwhile, I suggest you get out of the cities and get established in a rural area. We can hope that, for quite a while, yet, you can order basic stuff online with a credit card. (Salt, vitamin D.) Be prepared to go off grid if necessary. Look for a peaceful, quiet county with like-minded neighbors and a constitutional sheriff.?If you have the option, join the posse and get police training, ham radio, first aid, etc. If you have food (garden, meat, foraging), heat, water, do not need garbage service, etc., you will be hard to starve out. Produce a commercial product that has value you can always use for barter. (Due to covid,-19 black markets are thriving.)