USM Newsletter January 2024
Jan van Bon
Forget about ITIL or COBIT until you've learned to think the USM way. Reduce your organization's complexity for a sustainable Enterprise Service Management strategy. USM's revolution is ESM's evolution.
USM Wiki is now Live!
The core content of the USM service management architecture and the standard USM service management system is now available in a wiki format. Visit the USM Wiki to check it out! The new wiki is the new partner site of the USM Portal and supports discussions on the content. The Portal offers the USM Library with detailed guidance, news, cases, registers, books, downloads and more, as usual.
Video Recordings of the USM Introduction Workshop
John Worthington has made the content of the online USM Introduction Workshop available in a self-paced format with video recordings: the Self-Driven Workshop. Highly recommended! Please forward to anyone interested in USM, but not familiar with the content.
If you want to participate in a live session, you can still join the interactive session delivered by Jan van Bon, in English or Dutch. Subscribe here.
USM Forums available
Do you have any questions about USM? Anything you’d like to discuss? Check out the USM Public Forum in our Google Chat spaces and get your answers from the professionals.
Still struggling with Service Agreements?
After 3 decades of working with the concept of ‘SLA’, most organization still only have complex agreements with lots of technology specs, and customers are not happy. Adding XLAs without solving this, only makes things worse. USM can help you turn your old-fashioned agreements into simple and structured agreements that a customer understands. This will help you get a clear image of your services, and improve your support. In only half a day, your leading service managers, account mangers, business relationship managers, supplier managers, and your procurement staff can learn how to simplify and improve all your customer and supplier agreements. Check out the workshop details here.
USM & SIAM? USM & DevOPs? USM & agile/scrum?
The universality (the "U") of USM supports numerous practices and techniques, such as SIAM, DevOps, and agile/scrum. All those practices and techniques ultimately serve one and the same objective: better service delivery. USM provides the universal management system for that objective. Read the new page on the USM Portal.
USM Book now available in German
After a lot of work by our native German speaking USM professionals, we’re happy to announce that the USM book is now available in German!
The USM Professional Community is growing
The community of USM professionals now reside in 12 different countries, covering the USA, Malaysia, and India, and most of Europe: Finland, Sweden, Denmark, German, Austria, the Netherlands, Belgium, France, Portugal, and Spain, and offering their services worldwide. The community meets every two weeks to exchange knowledge and experience, and to co-develop new instruments to improve a sustainable service management system for service providers. Follow the USM Professional track to learn more about the new thinking of USM.
New Downloads
In the Demystifying series, the latest downloadable ebook is "Demystifying the term Value Stream". The ebook demonstrates how all value streams (and customer journeys) can be structured, improved, and standardized, with the USM workflow templates.
?Thank you for sharing this comprehensive resource!