Using Your Talent Means Giving Back
Talent: having it comes with a responsibility to use it, and to give back. (Image credit: dreamstime)

Using Your Talent Means Giving Back

In the Bible there is a story of a successful business owner who leaves on a trip and charges three employees with taking care of various numbers of talents, or units of currency denomination of high value, and what they did with those talents. Upon the return of the great man there was an accounting, as follows. Plot spoiler: not all used their talents as well as the others. How we use our talents will be judged by the source from whence our talent arises; choose well and redeem the time.

How we use our talents will be judged by the source from whence our talent arises; choose well and redeem the time.

When the first employee reported to the master he said: 

‘Lord, you delivered to me five talents; look, I have gained five more talents besides them.’ 

His lord said to him, ‘Well done, good and faithful servant; you were faithful over a few things, I will make you ruler over many things.

Enter into the joy of your lord.’ 

He also who had received two talents came and said, ‘Lord, you delivered to me two talents; look, I have gained two more talents besides them.’  

His lord said to him, ‘Well done, good and faithful servant; you have been faithful over a few things, I will make you ruler over many things.

Enter into the joy of your lord.’

“Then he who had received the one talent came and said, ‘Lord, I knew you to be a hard man, reaping where you have not sown, and gathering where you have not scattered seed.  And I was afraid, and went and hid your talent in the ground.

Look, there you have what is yours.’

“But his lord answered and said to him, ‘You wicked and lazy servant, you knew that I reap where I have not sown, and gather where I have not scattered seed. 

So you ought to have deposited my money with the bankers, and at my coming I would have received back my own with interest. 

So take the talent from him,

and give it to him who has ten talents.

The Gospel of Matthew 25:14-28

To some this may seem a hard teaching but it is natural law. Some, who may or may not be professing Christians would recognize this truth in what is called the "Law of Attraction". Comic book fans may recall the famous phrase, "...with great power there must also come -- great responsibility!"

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Notice that the servant who was given 5 talents brought back 5 more and also that the one who was only given 2 talents also doubled what had been given. Alas, the fearful servant, who hid their talent did not have a great outcome to say the least. Not only was the talent that he had been entrusted with withdrawn it was given to the one who had the most!

While some might view this as unfair this story is a parable, or story with a larger meaning, that illustrates how an abundance mindset requires taking action and putting our thoughts, beliefs and convictions into action and getting results. The fearful servant could at the very least earned some interest on the talent from the bankers he is told.

For too many Americans these days not only are they not earning interest on their talents they are paying interest for the pleasure of borrowing money. Those who learn how to reverse that equation and earn interest instead of paying it are going in the right direction.

Compound Interest? 

"He who understands it, earns it. He who doesn't, pays it.” 

- Albert Einstein (apocryphal)

In today's world we can master this concept with help from technology that makes mathematical principals more accessible to regular working people with basic computer skills. For a long time now we have known that it is possible to cancel future interest payments and save a great deal of time and money on, for example, owning a home. While this is indeed a powerful concept it gets put on steroids when we introduce machine learning to assist us in using float / leverage effectively. Most households and businesses make the error of paying for expenses from their cash flow instead of from an offset account.

This concept is not limited to owning a home faster, instead of just making payments to the bank, it also applies to any closed-end banking product. These include car & boat loans, student loans, business loans, really any debt that is charging interest on the balance. All of these types can be effectively terminated much faster using math and technology.

If we desire to be a 'good and faithful' steward then it is up to us to use all of the resources available to us to accomplish our goals that resonate with divine purpose. When we commit to a just course of action in all sincerity and with conviction the victory is already won, we need but persevere in love and in truth. But any victory is not for our glory for the creator of all, alone, is worthy to be praised; and all of creation should redound to that glory.

Now then, to those blessed with great resources much indeed is expected. Look at some of the incredible people who are commited to giving back. There are certainly more benefactors than this short list but Warren Buffett, Bill & Melinda Gates and Kathy Ireland come to the front of my mind for example.

Vlad Meltzer

Balanced Protection Strategist, Licensed Insurance Adviser helping people to become their own bankers building legacy through intentional relationships, strategic protection, working with experts in different field

4 年

Great word, Brother Chris

Bryan H.

Director of Customer Success | Client Onboarding, Customer Relationship Management

4 年

Christian McFarland “When we lift or there, we rise with them”. Your article is so true! I am thankful we are working together! No matter what service or industry we are in, we can all help each other and contribute to the betterment of mankind. Good article, sir!

Christian McFarland

Showing you how to get paid to borrow your own money, that's right, like a bank! Also ask me about recovering the taxes you MUST PAY on qualified accounts, e.g. 401k/403b

4 年

Thanks Arturo Johnson ?

Jason Winters

Vision Strategist and Advisory Board Member - Carrberry Co-Founder: Sterling Winters Company-SWC, kathy ireland Worldwide-kiWW

4 年

Christian, thank you for a powerful and inspiring article. There is so much to learn and apply in life and business from your article. This helps anyone willing to read it an opportunity to learn who you are and why you’ve chosen the path you are on. Our country would not be swimming in a sea of soul crushing debt. There is a way forward, if people hear your message and take action. A great and educational read. Well worth the investment of time.

Robert Fleischman

US Life & Health Advocates, We offer Medical Clinics, Doctors, Medicare & Insurance Agents the ability to offer DNA/Genetic tests for patients/clients.

4 年

Thanks for sharing!


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