Using Your Inspiration as Motivation
Dr. Michelle Sands, ND
Hormone Expert # 1 Best Selling Author, Speaker, and Top Naturopathic Physician for Midlife Women
There are times we all feel stuck. Finding motivation can feel hard, but this week, I've got a challenge that will help you use your passion and gifts to find inspiration and motivation.
Inspiration: noun
1. 1. the process of being mentally stimulated to do or feel something, especially to do something creative.
"Helen had one of her flashes of inspiration"
2- a sudden brilliant, creative, or timely idea.
If you're not sure what your inspiration is, you can start by asking yourself these questions: What moves me? What activities feel timeless…. leave me full of joy, in my creative power? When I do I most feel in the zone, most creative, or joyful? What am I passionate about?
Once you identify your inspirations, you can either use this force as an incentive. For example, I will do something that I have put off and THEN I get to…… fill in the blank with your reward.
Or you can get yourself daily in this space of love and flow and THEN proceed with a motivated heart and spirit.
Your challenge this week is to create a habit out of using your inspiration as motivation. Each day this week, do one thing that you like least first. Then spend at least 20 mins doing something that you love daily. Inspiration leads to more energy and momentum.
You can optimize being in this peak state by taking action on your goals.