Steve Grant
Director at GymHub | Join me and 1500 studio owners from Australia and New Zealand in our free private FACEBOOK group
Content creation is a topic that can be valuable not only to gym owners, but also to other entrepreneurs. There are many different ways to get your content out there. You can choose from a variety of options such as newsletters, social media campaigns, or blog posts.
Even if you are regularly getting content out there, how do you know that what you’re sharing has a direct impact on the success of your fitness business? Does your content help you at all in meeting your business goals?
Small businesses usually focus on sales and scaling their business and cannot afford to invest on PR and business campaigns. Content creation, therefore, that is focused on generating leads would provide the most impact and would be perfect for the marketing that you need.
Read more about how to Use Your Gym’s Content For Massive Lead Generation HERE
If you find these tips useful and want MORE business changing advice, come to the upcoming Titans of Fitness PROFIT MASTERCLASS in Sydney!
This FREE event caters to Experienced Studio Owners, NOT personal trainers or people who work for themselves. This way, we skip the basics and get straight into the important challenges you face and provide ‘real life’ solutions you can take away and implement in your own business.
Remember, if you are a FITNESS STUDIO OWNER working 60+ hours per week in your business, but feel like you’re stuck at constantly spinning your wheels... don’t delay a second longer.
Get your FREE TICKET to the Titans of Fitness PROFIT MASTERCLASS and get some fresh marketing ideas to ‘Work 1 day less per week and Make an extra $100k per year’.