Using Videos...

Using Videos...

You know you ought to be using videos to grow your business, but you hate it, right?

I totally get it.

I know the pressure of having to put yourself out there, but feeling like a fraud or a phoney, or just feeling like no-one wants to hear what you have to say, so why bother.

But if you don't put yourself out there and do videos, no-one is going to know what you are doing...

And if no-one knows what you are doing, then those that need you, can't ask you for help.

So here are some tips on how to get over that dread and fear that comes with having to show up in front of the world and do videos.

Tip #1 Make notes on the key points that you want to cover, and then tape them underneath the camera so if you get stuck you can look down and see them.

Tip #2 If it is a Facebook Live, stick something over the part of your screen that lets you know if someone is watching. That way you won't freak out when they pop in, and then feel gutted when they leave.

Tip #3 Pretend that no-one is actually going to see it, so you can just relax and have some fun.

You’d be surprised how implementing just those few tips have made a world of difference for me. Now I not only enjoy doing video, I look forward to it.

Comment below what tricks you use to make doing videos easier for you. Would love to hear about them.


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