Using Twitter for Your Business Can Have a Significant Impact on Your Brand

Using Twitter for Your Business Can Have a Significant Impact on Your Brand

Most businesses have not quite mastered the use or comprehend the benefits of Twitter. Twitter is designed as a social network that enables users to post and read very short messages. With the attention span of the average internet user, the platform allows users to consume content and news quickly.

Much like Facebook, the greater amount of followers, the more information you can find in your Twitter feed. However, there is a drawback. While Facebook’s algorithm delivers information you’re interested in and have engaged with in the past, Twitter still maintains its chronological list. To better serve users, their feature “While You Were Away” helps you see Tweets you may have missed, and sponsored posts bring you to the front of user’s timelines.

Like Facebook, you have the ability to use Twitter as a platform for advertising and a way to engage with potential clients, not to mention a place to help spread the word about your brand.

There are three major benefits to using Twitter for business:
1. Obtain Additional Website Traffic through Engagement
2. Grow your Audience (potential client base)
3. Drive App Downloads

Advertising on Twitter puts your brand in front of millions of eyes without distracting them. Your message will be clear, and you can highlight whichever aspect of your business you see fit. Promoted tweets appear in your timeline, while promoted accounts appear in the “Who to follow” section. If you have a relevant hashtag, you can even take advantage of promoted trends.

Much like other platforms, you have the ability to target a particular location to reach users in your area. Whether you’re getting the most out of Twitter through paid or organic results, you are presented with numerous benefits. Utilize analytics to see how your tweets are performing with your customers.

Features That Entice Engagement

When you post a Tweet, you have the ability to add content, images, videos, and most importantly, the URL of where someone can go to find more information about the subject you are posting on.

With all the features you have at your disposal (in just 140 characters), you can send someone straight from Twitter to your business website—particularly to the exact page where you want them to go. Imagine being a business that sells luxury watches. You recently found a photo online of a celebrity wearing one of your watches. You can create a tweet, upload the photo and send the user directly to the page on your website where the watch is sold. How awesome is that?

The more people that see that celebrity wearing your product or brand, the more exposure your company receives, and more value your Twitter profile has created.






You have a variety of tools at your disposal inside Twitter. You can use tools that include Website Cards, Conversion Tracking, and even Advanced Conversion Tracking.

If you are just beginning a Twitter account for your business, I would recommend that you start out first with building your Twitter page and establishing your goals for normal posting and promotion to help begin building that audience. You can consult with a social media marketing company like Digital Agency to help if you are not able to dedicate the time to setting this up properly.

Growing Your Audience

Growing your Audience might be one of the most important pieces to the social media puzzle. It doesn’t matter what you are saying if no one is there to listen. There are a few new shocking statistics out there as of late that make your Twitter profile and presence on the platform of vital importance to your audience.

Gaining more followers means that you are gaining not only people that are more likely to purchase your product or service based on Brand Recognition, but you are also gaining more advocates for your business. Someone following you on Twitter now has the ability to like, share(retweet) and reply to your posts, helping you to extend your reach and get your content in front of more sets of eyes.

Twitter does a great job of letting you catch your audience’s attention and makes suggestions of who to follow based on their history within Twitter. Why lose out on that potential?

Drive App Downloads

How about a few more statistics to really get you thinking? “Over 80% of Twitter’s users are on mobile and they’re looking for apps to download.” If that isn’t shocking enough, how about the fact that there has been 24% more apps used by Twitter users in the past day than your average smartphone owner.

I know any business owner or marketing director can understand the value of putting your company’s app in front of audiences that are more inclined to utilize an app than a standard print or traditional marketing audience.

Many businesses are relying solely on social media platforms to promote their apps and with good social media management, you can do the same.

The Value of Twitter for Your Business

Social Media has evolved so much and way too fast for most business owners to keep up with. We know that it is hard to follow and understand everything that is happening. Twitter has been under scrutiny in recent months due to a dip in new users, but they’re loyal following remains active.

There are still over 300 million active users per day, and when you utilize the platform correctly, Twitter can be beneficial and produce lucrative results when properly managed. You have the potential to increase your following tenfold, interacting with potential customers and establishing trust as a brand.

More traffic, more followers, and improved app downloads are all components that can increase the bottom line for just about any company out there. At a minimum, Twitter will get your message in front of millions of eyes, helping you spread the word on your brand and services. Brand Recognition is the true KING for any business. Utilize the features and wide reach of Twitter to help you get recognized.


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