Using Tension as a Leader
Adam Williams
Team Builder | Chief Customer Officer | Chief Revenue Officer | Mentor | Culture Fanatic
As a leader, expect to be frustrated
Expect anyone/everyone who reports to you to be frustrated at some point
Expect to have days and even weeks filled with tension
Work is a balancing act. While a manager could simply say, "go do this", a leader must know the lay of the land, the pieces on the board and realize that every decision has consequences.
Controlling the tension that knowledge causes is hard but essential.
We constantly face:
· Work life balance (yours / and for others)
· Leader vs leader (vision vs vision)
· Project vs project (priority vs priority)
The ebb and flow is what continues to make the gig interesting and if you read employee surveys, folks stay around when they're empowered (more on that in a bit) and interested in the work they're doing.
Status quo is boring. We need tension.
The opportunity to be pushed, push back or pull, be pulled is healthy.
If you empower those around you then expect 2 things:
Passionate Opinions
Different Opinions
Holy shit is that awesome. However, it takes confidence and the willingness to listen and allow scenarios to play out before making a final decision. You must be able to handle the tension and more importantly, you must be aware of and then how to manage the tension of others.
Leadership isn't all about making the call, it's about making sure every voice is heard and sometimes, providing the space required for some healthy tension to get people engaged.