Using technology to unlock new exploration opportunities
Tempest Minerals: unlocking new opportunities in the ‘age of technology’
Don Smith, Managing Director of Tempest Minerals (ASX:TEM), is a self-confessed?“massive tech nerd”.
When? over a Zoom call, he’s wrapping up a team meeting — the sort in which audio recording software, fancy presentation platforms, and sprawling datasets play no small part.
Based in Perth, Western Australia, Tempest holds a portfolio of precious, base, and energy metal assets across the state, as well as weighty interests in other projects in Papua New Guinea, Africa, and the US.
Polymetals Resources: exploring the possibilities inherent in a little sideways thinking
If there are finite resources on Earth, and if the extraction of those resources can be traced back roughly 40,000 years, then you’d be forgiven for thinking we might be starting to run out. You’d also be — depending on how you define it — wrong.
Measured even in gigatonnes, the volume of metals and minerals human beings have pulled up throughout history is hard to comprehend. We are, however, getting smarter at doing it. Sometimes all it takes to breathe life into a project that’s flatlined is a little innovation, a little sideways thinking.
Polymetals Resources (ASX:POL) makes for an excellent case study. When it listed in June 2021, it did so on the back of two gold exploration projects —?Alahiné and Mansala —?in the West African nation of Guinea.
Recent stories
Helix Resources charges towards new MRE for Canbelego Copper Project in NSW
Australian mineral explorer Helix Resources (ASX:HLX) is progressing towards a new Mineral Resource Estimate (MRE) with new assays from the Canbelego Copper Project in New South Wales.
The company reports assays were received for the last 2 diamond drillholes completed at the Canbelego Main Lode. These holes aimed to infill the down-plunge extent of a ‘high-grade’ copper shoot identified by drilling and downhole electromagnetic (DHEM) surveys.
Results recorded at the Main Lode include hole CANDD019A with 12m @ 0.58% Cu from 493m, including 2m @ 1.68% Cu from 497m, and 8m @ 1.23% from 508m, including 3m @ 2.35% Cu from 509m. Additionally, CANDD020 intersected 5m @ 0.39% Cu from 579m, including 1m @ 1.23% Cu from 581m, and 6m @ 1.86% Cu from 586m.
Belararox lodges EIA applications for exploration at TMT Project in Argentina
Australian mineral explorer Belararox (ASX:BRX) has lodged several environmental impact assessment (EIA) applications to permit exploration activities at its Toro-Malambo-Tambo (TMT) Project in Argentina.
The company reports 9 EIAs, which cover the whole project, were submitted to the San Juan Mines Department to allow for initial exploration, track building, and drilling of the ‘most advanced’ targets.
Belararox expects the EIAs will be approved in time for the start of the 2023-2024 field season. Once approved, the company will immediately begin repairing the project’s main access track and reinstating a historical campsite.
Future Battery Minerals (ASX: FBM)
Technical Director Robin Cox discusses the new 'large-scale' spodumene pegmatites intersected at Kangaroo Hills
Forrestania Resources (ASX: FRS)
MD Michael Anderson discusses the 'exciting' new pegmatites logged at the company's recently acquired Eastern Goldfields Project in Western Australia
OD6 Metals (ASX: OD6) MD Brett Hazelden discusses the third round of drilling that has begun at the company's REE project in Western Australia