Using SOQL Query in DataRaptor Formula

Using SOQL Query in DataRaptor Formula

We can execute a SOQL query in the Dataraptor formula by using the QUERY function. But it can only retrieve up to one column. Let's see a few examples of using it:

  • Passing a static value

QUERY ("SELECT Name FROM Account WHERE BillingState ='CA'")        

  • Querying with a single dynamic value

QUERY( "SELECT AccountId FROM User WHERE Id = '{0}'",$Vlocity.UserId )        

  • Querying with multiple dynamic values

QUERY ( "SELECT Id FROM Account WHERE RecordType.DeveloperName = 'Member' And LastName Like '{0}' And FirstName Like '{1}' And DateOfBirth__pc = {2} And Phone = '{3}' ", lastNameToSearch, firstNameToSearch, formattedDate, Phone)        

  • Similarly, we have a CountQuery function that returns the number of records returned

COUNTQUERY ( "SELECT COUNT() FROM Case WHERE AccountId = '{0}'" , Id)        

Considerations :

1. To use the Like operator in the query we have to form the string in the below format and use this concatenated value in the Query.

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2. To Query with the date field, the dynamic notation should not have quotes i.e., instead of ‘{1}’ use {1}. For example, DateOfBirth__pc = {1}

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