Using Secrets from the Quantum Universe to Achieve Your Goals

Using Secrets from the Quantum Universe to Achieve Your Goals

  • Would you like to create goals that become a reality?
  • Do you truly know what it is that you want?
  • Do you want an actual outcome or do you want to feel a certain way?

Using the methods outlined in this guide, you will achieve and manifest anything you want in your life. Once you see how powerful this is and have no doubt that you have created them, you will create an infinite number of things in your life the same way.

  • The Quantum Universe is real and exists independently of our awareness. There is an abundance of undeniable proof of its existence by scientists in the last century.
  • Accessing this world requires thinking outside of conventional Newtonian Physics which is based on Earth-bound thinking of matter and time-space.
  • Transcending this thinking towards Quantum Physics which is Universe-wide thinking based on energy and frequency and space-time, requires a shift in perception of the world around you.
  • The human being is a complex and majestic conglomeration of faculties and abilities which we are only beginning to understand.
  • We use only a tiny percentage of our extraordinary abilities. If we only knew what we could achieve, we would be setting our ambitions and desires to even greater goals.

Not utilizing the infinite potential of the human being is like using a super computer to send emails and store photos.

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We are capable of so much more!

I’ve spent countless hours learning and mastering these techniques from various practitioners, courses and books. I teach these techniques to my clients.

I now present them to you as a gift.

These techniques have helped my clients to:

  • Create abundance in wealth, health and vitality,
  • Achieve seemingly-impossible business targets,
  • Attract careers of their dreams,
  • Overcome severe illnesses and physical ailments,
  • Find incredible personal and business relationships.

 This guide will help you to:

  • Set super-charged goals;
  • Differentiate goals from states;
  • Use secrets discovered from the Quantum Universe;
  • Use the Law of Attraction in your favour.

Most people fail to achieve their goals because they don’t really KNOW what they want!

We set goals hoping to feel better about ourselves. We want to feel more successful, accomplished, important, wealthy, healthy and attractive.

Are these outcomes measurable and achievable?

How will we know when we have achieved these outcomes?

Feeling a certain way starts now, not when you have achieved a desired goal.

Let me give you an example:

Remember how you wanted to find that special person, that special object (car, house, furniture) or perfect job?

  • When you finally got it, how long did that feeling last?
  • How long did you feel complete, successful or abundant?
  • Do you still value it/them as much as when you first got them?
  • Have you moved on to the next goal, hoping it will make you feel a certain emotion once you achieve it?

How will you know that you have achieved Your Goal?

Do you truly KNOW what it will feel like?

Exercise: Take your goal for a test drive! Try it on!

1.   Close your eyes.

2.   Sit up with your back straight and imagine floating down into your body.

3.   Go to a time in the future when you have already achieved your goal.

Now, using your imagination, do you know:

  • what it will look like?
  • what will you feel like? 
  • what will you be doing?
  • what will you be saying?
  • who will be with you?
  • will you be sitting or standing?
  • what can you hear?
  • if there are any smells?
  • if you are eating or drinking something?
  • what does it taste like?
  • what are your arms doing?

Engage all your senses!

The stronger the emotional signature you feel when visiting this goal, the more you draw this event to you. If you feel it strong enough, you can create it instantly!

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 The Secrets of the Quantum Universe

  • The Quantum Universe interacts with resonance and frequencies.
  •  It all starts with a thought. In the Quantum Universe, thoughts are real!
  •  You create the emotional signature and frequency you want to feel before its created.

Your Quantum Toolbox

1) Your heart: Your heart is a generator of electricity which produces an electromagnetic frequency.

2) Your emotion: carries a unique electro-magnetic signature. This signature is uniquely created with a strong intention and an elevated emotion.

2a) A strong intention:

 “I really want this new job/person/thing and I’ll do whatever it takes to get it.”

2b) An elevated Emotion:

“I can’t wait to have this new job/person/thing. I can already feel amazing achieving this!”

3) Magnetic Signature – The emotion you will feel when you get what you want.

4) The Quantum Universe: The uncreated potential for what you want already exists.

  • Everything you want already exists as energy in the Quantum Universe. You just have to create it.
  • When the frequency you created, matches with the frequency that already exists as a potential in the Quantum Universe (Zero Point Field), the experience is created in the physical world – in real time!
  • There is no time and space in the quantum world. The experience is manifested instantly in this time and this space.
  • Thoughts are real in the Quantum world. You imagine it and it IS real.
 The Copenhagen Interpretation and Schr?dinger's cat shows that a quantum system remains in superposition until it interacts with or is observed by the external world. When this happens, the superposition collapses into one or another of the possible definite states. (in other words, your thoughts create the external reality!)


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Are you seeking a STATE or a GOAL?

A state is:

  • I want to be rich;
  • I want to be successful;
  • I want to be healthy;
  • I want to be famous;

A goal is:

  • I want to have 10 million dollars by the end of the year;
  • I want to have acquired 10 new clients by August;
  • I want to be able to climb 100 stairs without losing my breath;
  • I want a relationship with someone who aligns with my higher goals.

See the difference?

Can you feel a state right now?

You can feel successful, healthy, famous or rich right now.

A state is entirely subjective based on your perception of these words.

Ask yourself this:

Is there anyone I know who is less successful than I am at what I'm trying to achieve? 

If the answer is yes, then you are more successful than they are. Yes?

The reason you perceive your current position in life as unsuccessful is because you are measuring it against the best of the best, not according to a previous version of yourself.

Setting a clearly defined goal

SMART GOALS are defined as follows

Clearly defined goals are:

  • Specific
  • Measurable
  • Attainable
  • Realistic
  • Time-bound

1) Clearly define your goal and ask yourself if it is a state you want to feel or a clearly defined and measurable goal.

2) Write down your goal and define it in measurable terms. Ask yourself if its realistic and attainable. Give it a date.

3) Follow the steps above explained above under: “Take your goal for a test drive! Try it on!”

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Using the Quantum Universe to draw your goals to You.

The Quantum Universe works in your favour when you create a goal from a state of wholeness and completeness.

You can’t create it from a state of lack, separateness and self-pity.

If you say:

“I'm so uncomfortable in this tiny apartment I need to get out of here!”

This won't work as effectively as saying:

 “This apartment is comfortable for me and has served me well for this time. I’m so blessed to have this place when others don’t even have shelter. I’d like to move to an even larger place to help me grow even more.”

Steps for using the Law of Attraction and the Quantum Universe:

  1. A strong and firm intention - mustering up all the conviction you can from deep within you, to create a rock-solid intention
  2. Feeling a strong and elevated emotion- feeling the emotion you will feel when you achieve your goal with the same intensity as if though it has already been achieved.
  3. Giving thanks for a future yet to be created:
  • Gratitude is the ultimate state of receivership.
  • Gratitude is the intuitive act of giving thanks for a future that has yet to be manifested.
  • Giving thanks completes the act in the quantum universe and draws the event or thing to you. It is already done.

Send it out to the Universe! – Fly little birdie, fly!

Allow the universe to arrange and align your desire with the greater good which it is acutely aware of. It will create the experience in a space and time which is right for you.

Trust the process!

Can you create an experience before it happens? How can it be real?

The subconscious mind can’t differentiate real from illusion.

Try the Lemon Test:

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  1. Stand in front of a mirror. Imagine yourself holding a juicy, succulent, heavy, yellow, extremely sour lemon full of juice ready to burst with flavour.
  2. Imagine cutting the lemon open and feel the juices flowing out of it and dripping to the table.
  3. Imagine putting the lemon near your mouth and prepare to take a bite of this sour lemon.
  4. Imagine smelling how strong the flavour and aroma are by holding it close to your nose. 
  5. Pause for a moment and imagine how sour and juicy it will be when you take a raw bite of it with your front teeth.
  6. Now imagine taking a strong bite into the sour lemon! 

If you are like most people, you will feel saliva building up in your mouth as your mouth prepares for the lemon.

Your subconscious really thinks there is a lemon that is about to be bitten into and instructs your glands to start producing saliva.

The subconscious mind does not know a real experience from an imaginary one!


  • Use music, trance, meditation, chi-gong, deep breathing to quiet the rational mind which wants to confirm your belief of lack and inabilities.
  • You are infinite with unlimited potential in an unlimited universe that keeps expanding.
  • Consider your uniqueness by looking at your finger-print, tongue-print, heart-beat, DNA and energy field!
  • Don’t believe everything you think. You are not your thoughts!
  • Daily practice is required. Consistency is key! 

Start Creating Your New Reality!

When you use this guide to create your goals and achieve them, drop me a message and tell me all about it. It excites me to see how people have achieved the impossible.

I will add your experience to my large list of people who have achieved goals that have eluded them for so long.

I have a sincere desire to see you manifest your goals!

?I have created a strong intention and elevated emotion using these techniques to manifest for you all that you desire!

Private Coaching sessions or group sessions with me.

If you would like to experience the infinite potential that exists in the Quantum Universe which equally exists inside each of us, book a session with me where I show you how to achieve your goals using:

  • powerful meditation techniques,
  • trance meditations,
  • hypnosis,
  • ancient meditation and manifesting techniques.

You will experience alternative spaces in this infinite universe where all that you desire already exists. Book a session at:

PS: If you want like a PDF version of this guide, comment below with your email address.

PS 2 :) Please share this with anyone you know struggling to achieve their goals

PS 3: I created this document using the techniques mentioned above. Let's see how I manifest my goals :)

Rishad Ahmed - Certified Life Coach and Mentor

Romain Guillaud

Expert en coordination de projets européens et développement durable chez CDEC

4 年

Can you please send me a pdf: thank you

Srividhya Yatvi

??Aspire ??to Inspire ??? Aspiring CRA

4 年

Excellent my email ID is

Faress Ouzaghla

Founder of Apex AI | Property Investor

4 年

What a great breakdown and experience within this article! Thank you for reminding us of our true potential and how to tap into it! #zencoachsa

Emerson Dinesh

Marketing Program Manager @ 2X | Driving Creative Marketing Solutions

4 年

Thanks for sharing your knowledge here Rishad Ahmed ╰☆╮. Interesting read!


