Using Scanwill oil to oil pressure intensifier instead of separate high pressure power packs / pump motors

Using Scanwill oil to oil pressure intensifier instead of separate high pressure power packs / pump motors

It is observed in lot of applications especially in special purpose metal cutting machines that the main hydraulic system works at very low pressure mainly the indexing and machining slides. However in most of these systems the job is clamped with Clampets which are very compact cylinders. These are used mainly to accommodate them in a very small space available on the machine. Since these are compact cylinders, the piston area is also small.

Normally it is observed that the bore sizes available for these clampets is not more than 50 mm. To achieve a force of say 3T one needs this cylinder to operate at 200 bar ! Invariably there is separate clamping power pack or else there is a separate pump motor assembly may be with a radial piston or some other high pressure pump installed on the same low pressure power pack. So you have an additional electric motor, bell housing assembly, suction strainer, separate relief valve etc. To get rid of the hassles one should think of using an Oil to Oil pressure intensifier. The typically most of the valves used in the metal cutting SPMs are CETOP 3 ( NG 06 ) mounting.

There are oil to oil intensifiers available with CETOP 3 stackable mounting ! This is available in the ‘ A’ line of CETOP stack like depicted below. The main advantage is that all the valves used in the circuit work at low pressure which is the main pressure setting of the system relief valve hence less stressed valves and other pipe lines. The only line which works at high pressure is the A line coming out from the intensifier and going to the clamping cylinder . There is no need to use high pressure series tube fittings before the intensifier since the complete power unit works at a low pressure and ONLY the portion from intensifier to cylinder works at high pressure. This also results in the space as well as cost saving during the assembly. Another big advantage is that these intensifiers are available in various ratios like, 1.4 , 2.0, 3.4, 5.0, 7.0, 9.0 . With these available ratios , the maximum pressure the designer can go up to is 500 bar !. Hence the designer has a freedom to choose the ratio based on the maximum available working pressure on the main power pack. These intensifiers have a very simple construction, work on the principal of area ratio and are easy to repair / replace. In addition to these stackable models, line mounted models are also available. The maximum pressure output is as high as 4000 Bar!

The new design of Scanwill intensifiers are also available to be used with rotary joints. Some of the applications of these compact intensifiers are as follows:

  • High static pressure testing equipments
  • Fork Lift attachments for drum handlers etc.
  • Rock splitters
  • Rescue Tools
  • Chucking
  • Demolition Tools
  • Torquing Tools
  • Rail Road equipment's

These intensifiers are manufactured by Scanwill Fluid Power ApS, Denmark and are available in India through Slimline Hydrotek, Pune.


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