Using Ruby to Recreate the InfoSWMM Node Report Tables in ICM SWMM from any SWMM5 Report File
Robert Dickinson
Autodesk Water Technologist for Storm Sewer and Flood | Expert in ICM InfoWorks ICM SWMM/Ruby | 18 Years at Innovyze/Autodesk | 51 Years with EPASWMM
We’ve integrated the powerful InfoSWMM engine as the OneSWMM engine into InfoWorks ICM, incorporating the sophisticated ICM UX tools and comprehensive help files that our users love. This integration has resulted in the creation of ICM SWMM Networks, a robust tool designed to meet the evolving needs of the industry.
However, as with any transition from a legacy system, a few features from the original InfoSWMM, a trusted solution for over two decades, didn’t transfer. Notably, the element summary tables for nodes and links were among the features that weren’t ported over.
To address this gap, we've developed a solution using Ruby code to recapture these essential tables. This script reads the SWMM5 report text file, parses the summary tables, and extracts the replacement tables. These are then saved to the ten user numbers and ten user text fields (20 each for nodes, links, pumps, and Subcatchments), enabling SQL operations for active Geoplan networks and enhancing thematic analysis capabilities.
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7: The Node Summary Table in ICM SWMM Networks (User Fields)
The Ruby script processes the SWMM5 report file and extracts valuable information, which is then copied to the link grid in the User Defined Field Name section. This section is divided into two sets of ten fields, with the first set being numeric and the second being textual.
Here is a summary of the user fields and what they do in the context of SWMM:
The ICM SWMM Network in InfoWorks provides 20 user-defined fields that can be used to capture and report on various hydraulic and hydrologic metrics.
The User Number fields include parameters such as Maximum Depth, Node Elevation, Maximum HGL (Hydraulic Grade Line), Maximum Lateral Inflow, Maximum Total Inflow, Lateral Inflow Volume, Total Inflow Volume, and Total Surcharge Time. These numerical fields allow users to track key network performance values under different flow conditions.
The User Text fields provide more qualitative insights, including the Maximum Surcharge Height Above Crown, Minimum Surcharge Depth Below Rim, Total Flood Time, Maximum Flood Rate, Total Flood Volume, Maximum Depth and Reported Depth During Daytime, Maximum Flood During Daytime, Outfall Peak, and Outfall Total Volume. These textual fields help provide context and labels to the quantitative data.
Together, this suite of user-defined parameters gives SWMM modelers within the ICM InfoWorks environment a robust set of tools to thoroughly analyze the behavior and performance of their stormwater networks. By leveraging these fields, users can gain deeper insights, identify areas of concern, and make more informed decisions about system upgrades and enhancements.
6: What the Summary Table looked like in InfoSWMM
The InfoSWMM report table provides a comprehensive overview of the hydraulic and operational characteristics of the network's nodes.
5: How do you find the ICM SWMM Output Report File?
To locate the SWMM5-compatible report file, follow these steps:
4: How do you find the Summary Tables in ICM SWMM
3: Run the Ruby Code - 01 InfoWorks ICM/01 Ruby/02 SWMM/0151 - Read SWMM5 RPT File
2: Use the User Defined Field Names to make the Field Columns in the Link Grid similar to InfoSWMM for ICM SWMM
You can utilize the User Defined Field Names feature to make the Field Columns in the Link Grid of ICM SWMM similar to those in the InfoSWMM report table. This allows you to customize the Node Grid's column headers to match the fields provided in the InfoSWMM report.
Remember that while the column headers will match the InfoSWMM report table, the actual values displayed in the cells will depend on the specific data in your ICM SWMM model. You may need additional calculations or data processing to populate the cells with the corresponding values from your model results.
Closing Note:
Thank you for reading these articles. I appreciate your engagement and support. Thank you again, and I hope you'll join me on this ongoing journey of learning and discovery. Until next time!
Autodesk Water Technologist for Storm Sewer and Flood | Expert in ICM InfoWorks ICM SWMM/Ruby | 18 Years at Innovyze/Autodesk | 51 Years with EPASWMM
8 个月?Our One Water Blog has an overview blog about ICM SWMM